大航海時代 DB

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      여행의 끝
      기한 없음
      세비야 모험가조합
      It is completely surprising that one can reach all the way to the Pacific Ocean! However, the Scholar does have one more request. It's to investigate the land that Magellan arrived at after passing through the Pacific Ocean. What do you say?

                    엘패소 9 11 1 마젤란 해협
                    마르 파시피코 9 11 1 태평양
                    여행의 끝 10 12 1 세부 섬
                    태평양의 끝 6 8 1 괌 섬

                    1. 세비야 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                    2. 마닐라 - Talk to Resident (closest to Pedlar)
                    3. 마닐라 - Talk to Young Man
                    4. 마닐라 - Talk to City Official
                    5. 마닐라 - Talk to Market Keeper
                    6. 마닐라 - Talk to Shopkeeper X2
                    8. 셀레베스 해 - use 관찰 and 인식 around 5672,4343

                    1. Where Magellan landed
                    I'm sorry to keep imposing on you. But I would like you to investigate the last island where Magellan is said to have landed. I want to know what he did there and what remains of his stay... If you go to Manila, which is quite close to the place where he landed, I'm sure you can make good progress in your investigation. Good luck.

                    2. First spread religion
                    Magellan, you say? For a long time, Islam spread steadily through this island region. When Magellan landed here, most of the citizens had already converted. But no country had united these lands under one rule. So, first, Magellan started missionary activities here.

                    3. Massive conversion of 400 people
                    Magellan was able to convert 400 people to Christianity under Rajah Humabon, the ruler of the island to the south. Rajah Humabon, in turn, must have expected support from Magellan, but this could still be called a tremendous success. The explorer's next move, however, would throw his destiny far off course...

                    4. Battle with Lapu-Lapu
                    Magellan then made a demand to the chiefs of the surrounding islands to recognise him as their king. But, naturally, they could not accept as their king someone from another religion who had just sailed there all of a sudden. In that same time, Magellan engaged in battle with Lapu-Lapu of Mactan Island, who was one of the chiefs who opposed him.

                    5. Magellan's end
                    In the battle with Lapu-Lapu, Magellan was struck by a poisoned arrow and died from the wound he received. His goal had been to arrive in the Spice Islands by sailing westerly around the world, and then return to the Spanish mainland. Surely, he wasn't supposed to acquire status or carry out missionary work in this region.

                    6. Glory to his men
                    Ironically, the person who carried on Magellan's mission was Juan Sebastian Elcano, who had once tried to commit mutiny against him. Miraculously, Elcano returned to Spain in the sailing ship Victoria, which had been ravaged by the long sea journey. The honour of circumnavigating the globe was then conferred to him.

                    7. Land where footprints remain
                    In the end, Magellan failed to fulfill his dream of seeing the Spice Islands and returning to his homeland. But he did succeed in passing through intricate straits and crossing over the vast ocean. I'd definitely say he was a man of ability.
                    Oh, the island where he conducted missionary activities is to the south of here. You should have a look.

                    8. Journey's end
                    After arriving on the island south of Manila, Magellan battled Lapu-Lapu, chief of Mactan Island, and was killed. The honour of circumnavigating the globe was given to his subordinate Elcano, but, without his supervision, such a feat would probably not have succeeded. Investigate the island south of Manila where many of his final footprints remain. Then supplement your report.


                    Discovery Reward :
                    마젤란의 항해지 1170 Adventure exp

                    Card Reward :
                    세부 섬 585 Adventure exp

                    Quest Reporting Reward :
                    의뢰 알선서x2 , 750 Adventure exp , 260 Adventure fame

                      • 발견물
                      • 세부 섬 ★★★★★★ (지리) 경험치:1170 명성:450
                        루손섬과 민다나오섬 중간에 위치하는 위아래로 가늘고 긴 섬.서쪽으로 주항중이던 마젤란이 이 섬을 거점으로 활동했다.마젤란은 세부섬의 동쪽에 위치하는 막탄 섬의 최고자인 라프라프와의 교전에서 목숨을 잃었다.

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                        2013-03-31 08:34

                        2013-05-04 21:05
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                        사실상 지리학 다깬 기분

                        2021-07-09 10:45
                        대항온의 끝

                        여행의 끝 99994093

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