大航海時代 DB

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      별이 머무는 장소
      기한 없음
      런던 모험가조합
      You found that stone tablet in Mesopotamia, didn't you? We received a request from a Scholar who is impressed with your ability to accomplish that. They want you to investigate ancient Mesopotamian civilisations. They said you're to bring them a story from the time kingdoms started flourishing there. That could be difficult. First, you should gather information at a tavern.

                    1. 런던 주점 - Talk to Barkeep
                    2. 런던 주점 - Talk to Seafarer
                    3. 나폴리 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                    4. 나폴리 서고 - Read book of 고고학
                    5. 나폴리 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                    6. 아테네 서고 - Talk to Scholar
                    7. 아테네 서고 - Read book of 고고학
                    8. 베이루트 - Talk to Barkeep
                    9. 베이루트 - Talk to City Official
                    10. 베이루트 북쪽 - 관찰 탐색

                    메소포타미아 문명의 탐구 8 10 1 함무라비법전
                    A place in the stars
                    길가메시 왕의 발자취 10 1

                    1. Long distance
                    Mesopotamia? Where's that? Hmm... The Ottoman Empire is quite far away. Was not the literature of that time passed down by the poetry of travellers put to song? I think it was around here. However, no evidence remains.

                    2. Mesopotamia
                    I used to work for a scholar who was studying Mesopotamia. The scholar was most delighted to come into possession of a clay tablet with Mesopotamian inscriptions. The report was said to have been sent to the national research department so look for it there. It was an Italian. Was it Napoli?

                    3. Researcher's report
                    The report on the clay tablet with Mesopotamian inscriptions? The report was definitely delivered several years ago. It is among the archaeology shelves. Which one now? Let's have a look together.

                    4. Clay tablets and Mesopotamia
                    This clay tablet i came across has inscriptions often seen in Mesopotamian civilization. Many linguistic terms have apparently been discovered by studying numerous tablets depending on years and place of manufacture.

                    5. To Athens
                    Ah, here it is! But there is nothing more to be found here. Did you look in the library in Athens? Athens is a city known for scholarship. It has an abundant collection of myths and legends from far and wide.

                    6. Searching for materials
                    Descriptions of Mesopotamian literature, is it? Please look in the shelves on archaeology. It the information here is incomplete, then it is best to go to the actual place. You might find something by looking around Beirut.

                    7. Myths of Msopotamia
                    Mesopotamian mythology is unlike the mythology of other religions. It is not about legends, but has more worldly accounts of human fellowship and development. It covers things like punishment for the cutting of forest and other events relating to daily life.

                    8. The line of astrologers
                    You did well to make it. If you made it, it means that you understand. The ancestor of the city official was a local Mesopotamian priest. They have ben teaching astrology for generations. Yesterday the city official contacted me and said they would like to show the foreign visitor around.

                    9. Led by the stars
                    I've been waiting. You came here in search of something didn't you. The stars said it was so. The star that guided you here set in the city outskirts. Exit the city and head north-east. The ancestral remains will guide you.

                    10. A place in the stars
                    According to the Beirut city official. the destination is in the north-east of the city. Human remains appear to be the landmark. I don't know how much you believe in astrology but anyway this the only clue there is so go and have a look.

                    의뢰 알선서

                    고대의 서사시

                    길가메시의 서사시

                    FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                    발견시 경험치 820, 카드 경험치 205, 고대의 서사시
                    보고시 경험치 240, 명성 250, 의뢰 알선서 9 획득

                      • 발견물
                      • 길가메시의 서사시 ★★★★★★ (역사유물) 경험치:1066 명성:410
                        고대 메소포타미아의 서사시. 인류 최고령의 문학이라 말해진다. 길가메시 왕의 모험담이 쓰여 있으며,그 중에는 홍수전설의 원형이라 생각되는 부분도 있다.

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