大航海時代 DB

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            기한 없음
            세비야 모험가조합
            You investigated the Yucatan Peninsula before, right? And you reported that there were building-like structures in that region. I now want you to find out what those structures are. Like do people live there? And, if so, what kind of ethnic group are they? First, you should ask around in Santo Domingo.

                                1. 산토도밍고 - Barkeep ; Talk to
                                2. 산토도밍고 - Wayra ; Talk to
                                3. 산토도밍고 - Seaferer ; Talk to
                                4. 하바나 - Buy seafarer a drink, barkeep gives no hint
                                5. 메리다 - City Official ; Talk to
                                6. 메리다 - Port Official ; Talk to
                                7. 유카탄반도 내륙 - Near the north of the Second Pyramid(near flower-red) 관찰 인식

                                ※ One of the quest required to unlock lv 65 on adventure.

                                카리브의 끝 4 6 1 유카탄반도
                                A culture without water

                                Pre-quest for:
                                산 제물의 조각상 2 4 1 챠크모르
                                신전의 벽화 조사 3 5 1 독수리와 재규어의 부조
                                학자의 새로운 연구 7 1

                                Map that require this inland
                                메소아메리카 조각상의 지도
                                기묘한 두개골의 지도

                                1. Deep in the forest
                                The west lands? Notsure as hardly anybody goes that way, but being a thick forested area, I've heard that you can't see much. It's true there is a story about a stone being there since forever. Wayra, anything you can add?

                                2. No water
                                Right, well, according to one sailor's story, since there's no river there, there shouln't be anyone living there. Can't live without drinking water. Wait, a building, there? Seems off.

                                3. From a friend who likes his drink
                                Wyler, that's my mate you're talking about, isn't it? He's kind of a curiosity seeker and did go exploring. With fishing season over, he's bound to be drinking in Havana. He's quite the grog hound, so if we load him up he should get to talking about that time.

                                4. Rejuvenating exploration
                                Cheers. This was quite some time ago, but i did go exploring some ways from a town called Merida, or something like that, and in the distance i did see a stone building. Went in search, but no luck. When the sun went down, i turned back. Can't you get details at Merida?.

                                5. Underground water
                                True enough, there is no river around there. But there is an underground stream and spring a plenty. No real water or liveability ussues there. And so evidence of habitation going way back. That stone building on the outskirts? Not heard anything about anyone living there now. Better you query a port official.

                                6. Bones in the pond…
                                A little before, a European ship was wrecked there and a crew member bumbled near the building, or something. Parched, he refreshed himself at a spring, whereupon bones came to the surface, so the story goes. In olden times there were sacrificial rites practiced around there--remnants maybe..

                                7. Culture slumbering deep in the forest
                                I've heard that near Merida on the Yucatan Peninsula there is an old, stone building. Apparently, no evidence of any current tenant. There is no large river for thriving settlement, but rich underground streams supported a history of inhabitation. Investigate the building inland from the outskirts of Merida.

                                FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

                                Discovery: 624 Adventure Experience

                                Card: 312 Adventure Experience and 치첸이트사

                                Report: 520 Adventure Experience, 175 Adventure Fame and 의뢰 알선서

                                  • 발견물
                                  • 치첸이트사 ★★★★ (사적) 경험치:624 명성:260
                                    유카탄 반도에 꽃핀 마야의 유적. “치첸이트사”라는 것은 “샘의 주변”이라는 의미라고 한다. 상당히 광대한 지역으로 전개되어 피라미드형 신전을 중심으로 신성한 샘과 전사의 신전,천문대 등이 있다.

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