모험가 조합의 고충
기한 30일
런던 모험가조합
We got an urgent request! The
royal family is asking that an
important letter be delivered to
Lisbon within 30 days.
You know how unreasonable that
is? If you'll do it, check with
the Guildmaster for more details
before you head out.
런던 모험가조합 Adventurer GM
리스본 모험가조합 Adventurer GM
I assume you will be the one to carry the important letter in
question? You have that much confidence in ship handling. I'm
counting on you. The destination of the autograph letter is the
Adventurer Guildmaster in Lisbon. A deadline of 30 days is rough,
but I'll have my pay inflated for it.
Personal letter to Lisbon
You receive the autograph letter
from to take to the Adventurer
Guildmaster in Lisbon. Without a
good ship and skill at ship
handling, it will be difficult to
meet the deadline of 30 days. If
you succeed, there willl be a
large reward.
Adventurer GM(Lisbon)
Personal letter to Lisbon
A letter from London? 30 days?! That's amazing... Well, you've
really shown me what you can do today. I'll make sure the Minister
gets the letter.
With your ship handling skills I bet you can handle any job that
gets thrown at you. I'll submit a recommendation for you. You can
pick up your Guild Registration when you go report back in.
모험가조합 등록증Esperanzo
Earned 30 Adventure Experience
Gained 40 Adventure Fame
Obtained Adventurer's Guild Card!
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