大航海時代 DB

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임시 대피소에도 검술사의 프라이드 데이터가 있습니다 바로가기

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      검술사의 프라이드
      기한 없음
      런던 해양조합
      This is an unusual request... This is a fairly famous Swordfighter around these parts, and he's asking for you to come by. What kind of a request is this? For now, the Barkeep has the message for you, so how about you go and hear it and then decide?

                    1. 런던 런던 주점 - Talk to Barkeep
                    2. 브리튼 섬 북쪽 - Head up to the Ruins, and talk to Swordfighter (center-most) 2x
                    3. 브리튼 섬 북쪽 - Click on center-most Swordfighter and select the 'Battle' button. Defeat all 5 NPCs (540 HP each) to complete the quest.

                    1. Written challenge
                    You have a message from that Swordfighter? I'm sure it went something like this... "Ready everything you need for a fight, and come to the ruins in the North of The British Isles. There are five of us. Come in a group of five too". Something like that. So, you want to duel?

                    2. A contest in the noblemen's presence
                    Thank you for coming. In a few days, brave warriors from the Swordfighter units will gather together to compete in front of Her Majesty the Queen. If we lose the contest, it will be an ineradicable stain on our lives and on our band of swordfighters. We called you to hone our tactics for victory.

                    3. Prepare yourself
                    We five belong to the same band of Swordfighters. Time is short, so you will fight against all five at once. Are you ready? If not, ready yourself immediately. Come again once you are ready. Give no quarter, we will fight our hardest!

                    4. Swordfighter defeated
                    Ack ...! Surely we have not been defeated? Maybe there are still a few gaps in our defences. But your swordsmanship is refined and magnificent... We beg you to join us.

                    5. Victory over the swordfighter
                    You have defeated the five Swordfighters of England. Let's get back to London and report.

                    Reward: 검술사대 추천장

                    FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

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