단단히 조이는 것
기한 없음
리우데자네이루 모험가조합
I imagine you know about the animals called snakes. There's one living in this area as well. Apparently, it's particularly large. A Town Official here regards it as being very dangerous. And so they've made a request to us to investigate it. Talk to the client in person to hear all the details.
리우데자네이루 City Official
바이아 City Official
바이아 Maiden
바이아 Seafarer
남미 북동쪽 해안 Southwest
아마존의 거대한 뱀 11
아나콘다 빛나는 뱀 4
햇살비단구렁이 1. Seen close to Bahia
The damages caused by the snake, the subject of your study, have not been reported yet, but the residents of Bahia have witnessed the snake near the town. We have decided to act before there are any damages. But before that, you must talk to the town official of Bahia.
2. Investigation while avoiding danger
Good to see you. The snake you will research is said to be huge and beyond capture by humans. Someone as experienced as you may be able to avert dangers and conduct the study. There are some people who spotted the snake. You can start by asking them.
3. Above the trees
I saw that snake. I was collecting berries outside the village and the branch started moving. Only it wasn't a branch, it was a snake! I was so scared I ran away leaving behind all the berries I collected.
4. Swallowed whole
I saw that snake when I visited the region just ahead of the Amazon river mouth. It was scary. It squeezed its prey with its fat, huge body and swallowed it head first. I don't want to see that snake ever again...
5. Investigation of one that entwines
The snake appears to squeeze its prey with its fat, huge body and swallow it head first. Let's start our research avoiding dangers landing east of the Amazon river mouth
의뢰 알선서 보아FiveStarStory
http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717발견시 경험치 280, 카드 경험치 70
보고시 경험치 220, 명성 160, 의뢰 알선서 5 획득
- 발견물
- 보아 ★★ (대형생물) 경험치:280 명성:140
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