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The Cardinal and the delicious bird
No Expiration
Santo Domingo Adventurer's Guild
You were the one who looked into that delicious dark bird, weren't you? Well, Cardinal Tabera of Seville is looking for a good tasting bird. I think he'd be pleased with your bird. Wasn't there someone here in town who was familiar with it?

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Delicious black bird 


The Cardinal and the delicious bird 

Santo Domingo - Talk to Santo Domingo Resident x2 (female in red, a bit east of the Town Official)
Seville Seville Royal Castle Talk to Cardinal Tabera x6
Once the quest is complete, you may pick up the pet deed at the female Trainer NPC, found near the Square of the six player nation capitals in Europe.

Piping hot!
A delicious bird? Ah, you must mean the Turkey. I'd love to cook you up some, but this man you're working for is way across the sea, isn't he? Well, by the time it gets over there it's gonna be cold. And this dish is best right after it gets made.

Taking the bird
I got an idea. Why don't you take a turkey over to him? A live one. As a matter of fact, I have one her you can take with you. No, don't worry about the money. Just make sure you take care of it and then dish it up nice and hot over on the other side of the waters.

Lost in Passing
Ah, you've brought it? Then bring this interesting bird to me. What? You were told a delicious bird? Not an interesting bird? His Lordship distinctly requested an interesting bird. Hmm... Did I not pass that on properly...

Cardinal in panic
Well, I guess it does no good crying at this point. We will just have to make due with this bird you brought. I shall have the palace chef cook it for me. You there! Take this bird to the kitchen and--Wh-what? Can't you keep that bird quiet! What's wrong with it? You don't think it somehow felt threatened, do you?

The Cardinal Reconsiders
Hmm? It refuses to settle down. I heard it was for eating so I had imagined a more placid bird. But this one has spirit. And that neck. I had thought it looked rather strange without any feathers, but look how the color seems to change while it's running around. It is by no means pretty enough to present to his majesty, but it could be termed interesting.

The Raging Bird
You have impressed me. To fulfill your assignment, you have brought an excellent, if unusual, bird. I shall introduce it to the King as a bird of interest. Perchance the King will reward your services. But, you say that it has a splendid flavor. Is that true? The bird has yet to calm down.

A Cardinal Complexed
I am uncertain about presenting such an unruly bird to his Majesty. And I do not believe the chefs could handle it either. Will you take it? I will send for another bird to present to his Majesty. And I shall reward you for your efforts personally. As part of that reward, I ask that you take this bird with you.

As part of a Reward
Though different from his original intentions, the bird you brought has gained the Cardinal's interest. Since it doesn't seem likely that with all your traveling, you are going to be able to bake the bird like the man in Santo Domingo told you, you think it might be interesting trying to raise it. You should let the Cardinal know.

Cardinal Tabera(Seville)

As part of a Reward
Ah, so you will take it? Then I shall have one of my men take it to the trainer. What? Oh do not worry. No harm will come to the bird. It shall be treated with care. But you on the other hand must prepare well to care for it.
Reward: 64 Adventure EXP, 40 Adventure Fame,
Turkey (Red) x1
Note: there are two possible color variants for this pet: red, and blue. The actual color you end up with is randomly assigned when the pet deed is collected from the Trainer.
Received 107520 ducats, Poem fragment.