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      The Tortoise-shell Cat
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      Do you remember the Merchant from Nagasaki who sent in the request regarding a cat. He says he has something to ask you about the prior request. Wants you to come and see him. Oh, and he says it's nothing to worry about this time, but he'd still like your advice.
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                      Memories with a cat 5 1
                      The Tortoise-shell Cat 1

                      1. Nagasaki - Talk to Dubious Merchant x2
                      2. Nagasaki - Talk to Takatsugu (Tavern)
                      3. Nagasaki North - Click on Shack
                      4. Nagasaki - Talk to Dubious Merchant
                      5. Nagasaki - Talk to Takatsugu

                      Cat Crossroads
                      Konnichi wa! I've been waiting for you! I'm so thankful for your help the other day! Well, I wanted to let you know what happened after that. I went to the place on the outskirts of town where the cat had made its home. And what do you think I found there?

                      The Cat comes home
                      He was there! Just like he'd always been. Same way of sleeping, same attitude, same cat! I'm sure it's him. They say that cats have 9 lives. Well this one used one of those lives to rejuvenate himself and return back here. Even Takatsugu agreed with me.

                      Spirit of the Cat
                      "Cats have 9 lives." There are certainly some strange sayings over seas. Did the cat actually get restored somehow and come back? Or is it perhaps a child of the other? Or is it some other cat that happens to look like the other? I do not know. Shall I go and look at the cat with you? You said it was the shack on the outskirts of town, right?

                      The Cat that appeared
                      I did not see a cat. Takatsugi had said that it is good luck for a male cat to be aboard your ship. The merchant had called it "him" so perhaps it is a male. If he is a male, then perhaps some other sailors have already come here to take him with them... There's a cat at my feet. Where did it come from? Now it's following me.

                      A Time for goodbyes
                      What?! Wasn't he at the shed? Don't tell me he started following you? Hmm. I wonder--- I think I understand. Just like I left my country and came to live here, this cat has decided to begin a new journey. Then I must not hold him back. I shall send him off with my best wishes. Please take good care of him.

                      The Tortoise-shell Cat
                      It appears I will be having a cat on my ship. I guess I should ask Takatsugu about caring for cats in this country. So that will be my next stop.


                      I see. The cat has chosen you. Very well then. Let me have it for a time. I shall teach your trainer how to care for it. But please, take good care of it. What? You want to know it's gender? ... ... ... It's a secret, at least until you pick it up from the trainer.

                      Reward: Calico Cat (3-Colored)

                          Q name is The Tortoise-shell Cat

                          Hello ev1. Im still looking for quest that gets me into Java Interior.

                          The quest you want is Long slumbering ruins -- please note it has two pre-quests before it. (I did actually answer you the last time you asked, but I guess you didn't see it.)

                          Tt's joked in the quest lore, but the cat is actualy a female, since it have 3 colors, and only female Calico have 3 colors :P



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