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      Memories with a cat
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      There's a merchant in the town called Nagasaki in East Asia. He's been working hard and has gone so far as to learn a little of the native language. All of sudden he wants to know more about some "Cat Demons". So gather info at the Archives at Sakai and then head over to Nagasaki.
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                  Memories with a cat 5 1
                  The Tortoise-shell Cat 1

                  1. Sakai Sakai Archives Read a Biology book once
                  2. Nagasaki Talk to Dubious Merchant X3
                  3. Nagasaki Talk to Takatsugu X2
                  4. Nagasaki Talk to Dubious Merchant X2

                  (Originally edited by: DreadPirateWesley)

                  Legend of the Tortoise-shell Cat
                  The cat you most should be wary of is the Tortoise-shell. When it grows restive, storms appear. The ones with white necks are the worst. If you were to kill one, it would change into a demon and curse you to the end of your days. And it would do all it could to hurry that up. But the opposite is also true. If a Tortoise-shell doesn't want to ride your ship, it's considered unlucky and the sailors will be seriously disturbed.

                  Danger is dangerous
                  Oh no! Oh what will I do! How can this have happened? I'm doomed! Please, sir. You have to listen to me! I;ve been cursed. Danger is dangerous to me. Actually, I have always wanted to say that. Danger is dangerous!

                  The Storm and the Cat
                  The other day I tried to load a Tortoise-shell cat on my friend's fishing boat. But that cat didn't want to get on it. But I forced it on and we left port. Well to make a long story short, we were forced back to shore due to a storm. And though I looked from fore to stern, I couldn't find the cat.

                  A terrifying experience
                  Since that time, a lot of strange things have been happening to me. I prepare fish for dinner and one will disappear. I find scratches on the post of my home. I---I'm not sure what's going on. My friend Takatsugu had said it was good luck to have a cat on the boat. I was just trying to help. That's all.

                  A Cat and Fate
                  I see. So that's how it is. Yes, its true that I told him having a Tortoise-shell cat, and male at that, on board a ship is good luck. So that's why he tried to force the cat on the ship. Actually, that cat---

                  the Touch of Death
                  The cat that the merchant tried to put on the ship was very old. I think he's been around since before I was born. It is said in this country that a cat will hide when it feels it's death approaching. I know there was a storm. But perhaps the cat's time had simply come...

                  The Dubious Merchant's past
                  No! It can't be! But come to think of it, that fish I had for dinner--- When I had just gotten here, I was all alone and that cat came and kept me company. I gave him a fish in thanks--- I see. The cat knew the storm was coming and knew he was about to die.

                  A time to part
                  Perhaps the fish and the scratches were just his way of saying goodbye to me. The cat lived on the outskirts of town. I'll take a fish and go and apologize immediately. I have to tell him how sorry I am that I forced him onto that boat. And tell him that I can make it here on my own now.

                  Memories with a cat
                  I am still not convinced that the missing fish and the scratches are due to that cat. But, the merchant seems to believe and he is satisfied. I guess this quest is now complete.

                      This is the precursor quest to getting the Calico/tortoiseshell Cat

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