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          Strategy for Mercenaries
          No Expiration
          Naples Adventurer's Guild
          Another request from Wallenstein of Rome. Wants you to go looking for a particular strategy tome. And he has something he wants to talk over with you directly he says. Go and see what he wants.
          •  Member
          • Language/Edit History

                  Lovely Flower of the Arena 1
                  Request without a requester 1
                  The Flower's Promised Path 1
                  Child of the Lion 1
                  What is Love? 1
                  Thoughts of a Great Land 4 6 1 Discourse on the Method
                  Land of Coronation 6 8 1 Gamla Uppsala
                  Strategy for Mercenaries 6 8 6 The Exercise of Armes

                  1. Rome - speak with Wallenstein x8
                  2. Amsterdam Archives - speak with Scholar
                  3. Amsterdam Archives - use Observe , Search

                  1. Former Misgivings
                  Welcome, friend. Do you remember how unsettled I was when I heard that Richilieu had sent Christina a book?

                  2. Respected by Wallenstein
                  I was once in the employ of the Holy Roman Empire. Many of us were employed, but among all the talentless people who gathered, one person stood out. He is now the leader of the Roman military, Lord Tilly.

                  3. The Warrior Monk
                  He's an older man, but I truly like him. A dedicated Catholic, they call him the Armored Monk in the ranks because of his strength in clinging to his beliefs. He is a skilled fighter, and both stubborn and straightforward. He alone could be counted on the Battlefield. To me at least.

                  4. Tercio and its Weakness
                  The old man had mastered the use of the Tercio formation and accomplished much on the battlefield. But he has a weakness. He focuses too much on defense. If one of his leaders are killed or his formation are breached, everything falls apart.

                  5. To Beat the Tercio
                  If France provides Sweden with monetary support and Gustav II leads his highly trained troops into this fight... as long as Tilly relies solely on the Tercio formation, he cannot win.

                  6. Respect between Soldiers
                  I've been released so I owe know allegiance to Rome, but I do worry about that old man. I could go myself to teach him the weakness of the Tercio, or the strength of Sweden, but we have our pride as military men. But I thought of a way. I will add my thoughts to a certain strategy book and send the book for him.

                  7. The Tactician of the Netherlands
                  There is a strategy book written by Lord Maurice of the Netherlands. It talks of how to use weapons, how to train and things like that. It is now used across the land for training troops. Maurice himself made no secret of his doings but is has been adapted by each country for their own purposes and a copy is hard to come by.

                  8. To Deliver a Message
                  But there should be one in the Archives at Amsterdam. Will you go and get it for me? And I need a copy that I can write in, so it cannot be the original. I know that if the old man reads even the first part, he'll recognize how poorly his formation would do against Gustav's men.

                  9. The Kindness of Scholars
                  If you are refering to the book written by Maurice of nassau on weapon usage and characteristics, it is right over there on the shelf. Feel free to peruse it. I see, you are looking for a copy. Then I do have something. I will send it to Master Wallenstein myself.

                  10. A Valuable Book on Strategy
                  Wallenstein remains informed with the happenings of the various countries. He desires to send a book on strategy to his former companion Lord Tilly. The scholar has agreed to send him one a copy. Though it deals with weapons and training, it is not kept secret. Perhaps I too would benefit from seeing it.

                  Discovery Reward :
                  740 Adventure exp

                  Card Reward :
                  The Exercise of Armes 370 Adventure exp

                  Quest Reporting Reward :
                  Quest Mediation Permit , 210 Adventure exp , 95 Adventure fame

                    • Discovery
                    • The Exercise of Armes ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:740 Fame:306
                      Written by Maurice of Nassau, Prince of
                      Orange. He details the training of men,
                      and was able to improve understanding
                      of the process. This book contained
                      all the information he used to make his
                      army one of the most successful in
                      the Europe of his time.

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