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Scandinavian song
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Stockholm Adventurer's Guild
Have you read the Prose Edda? It is the legends of North Europe passed down as song and there is apparently a book form of it being passed around. There is a Scholar who is collecting those kinds of legends and at his request he wants you to find the book version. You should go and ask a Scholar in Amsterdam.



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1. Amsterdam - Talk to Scholar
2. Amsterdam - Read Theology book in Archives x3

Amsterdam Archives - Talk to Scholar
Amsterdam Archives - Read Theology book x3 (need Nordic or Germanic Notes)

The Eddas
The Prose Edda is the myths, tables, and lessons that the Vikings have passed down in the form of poems. Since they were passed down orally and there were no documents collecting them, people were worried they would be lost.

The Eddas, Anthology
If there are greedy livestock, they don't know when they should go home and in the end will wander away from the meadows. And stupid animals do not know the limits of their hunger, and will always stay in the meadows.

The Eddas, Anthology
Let's say you would like to do something nice for a friend But, if you don't know if you can trust this friend or not, then you should do the following. Shower them with kind words and deceive them, as deception pays deception in kind.

The Eddas, Anthology
I will teach you how to make people think you are clever. Ask a lot of questions, and when you are asked again, answer correctly. Don't let anyone else know the things that only you know. If three people know something, then it's the same as the whole world knowing.

The Eddas
Recently, there has been a movement to put the Prose Edda down in writing. In Amsterdam, there are huge amounts of such documents on the myths of North Europe.
Quest Mediation Permit
What is the link to excalibur supposed to be doing there? Surely this one isn't a pre Q for excalibur or something?