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                Infiltrating Suez
                Deadline 300 days
                London Imperial Contract
                We are consistently gathering the information we need before executing our plan to connect the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, but we have yet to obtain any valuable information from Suez. Therefore, we have decided to ask our most experienced and capable sailors to help survey the opinions of the people of Suez.
                Report back within 300 days with any valuable opinions you have gathered in regards to the opening of this canal. We're counting on you.
                •  Member
                • Language/Edit History

                          Suez Rest House Master
                          Suez Market Keeper
                          Suez Resident
                          Suez Craftsman
                          Suez City Official

                          The rest house master's worry
                          This town has always been important for trade and transport. That's why I get a lot of customers coming by my shop. I don't see many customers coming from over the Red Sea way, though. It must be one very epic journey to travel around the Cape of Good Hope.
                          I hear the Market Keeper is dissatisfied with the state of business now.

                          The market keeper's dissatisfaction
                          Am I dissatisfied with business? You bet I am.
                          We get very few Voyagers coming here, so we recieve little in the way of foreign goods. I want to see a wider variety of goods traded here...
                          I was telling the shopkeeper over there about my complaints.

                          Locals' proposal
                          I've thought this for a long time. When you look at a map, Cairo and Suez are rather close. If we were to connect the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, then anyone would think we're close, right?
                          Then we'd get customers coming from the Mediterranean, and I think we'd even see a lot more people coming from India... But I guess connecting the two seas would be a tough task

                          The craftman's thoughts
                          There used to be a canal connecting the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Apparently it eventually filled with sand. But if they could make a canal before, there's no reason it can't be done again. I'd like to be a part of it if they did.

                          The town official's reply
                          Of course i respect the citizens' wishes, but it's not something that can be decided by me...
                          Huh? What if there was a petition you say? Well if it's for the good of this town, then I would consider it.

                          Judgement in Suez
                          After listening to the townspeople's complaints, there was a surprising number of people proposing the creation of a canal. Other people showed a lot of positivity towards the idea. This is valuable information for our country.
                          I should deliver the results of the survey as soon as possible.

                            • Skill
                            • Location
                            • Suez

                              What is needed to get this quest?!!!!

                              you need to obtain the follow before you can take this quest:
                              1) whole EU, africa, india, caribbean, centeral/SE/W america, SEA, oceania, panama canel permits
                              2) visited/have the dicover card of cairo and suez before.
                              Then you can take this quest from your nation's palace

                              how many pa's do you get?

                              Anywhere from 50 to 102 with oxford skill on.
                              Not sure what makes there difference If its job your in, Title or speed you get it done by. If anyone know please let us know.

                              The resident is the one next to the market keeper

                              Please log in or register to reply.