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                Techniques for creating a canal
                No Expiration
                London Imperial Contract
                This is a Royal command. A request for support has come from someone involved on the canal opening project. A book has been obtained which will be helpful in relation to construction techniques, however a problem seems to have occurred. You are ordered to assist in resolving the problem. Speak to the Adventurer Guildmaster for the details.
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                            [IMG:Quest_Guide] Adventure GM: talk to Cairo - craftsman: talk to (2x) Cairo - Gatekeeper: talk to Southeast Cairo - Large Boulder inspect (click) Southeast Cairo - Observe, Search [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Details of the emperor's order What happened to the book that we were going to use for reference in construction? It just seems to have vanished. It must have been swallowed by the sand when nobody was looking. First, let's go and ask the Craftsman in Cairo. He had a look at the book before we lost it. [IMG:01]Concerning books That book was dry. Not even the person who brought it had actually read it. Having said that, he was just saying to follow the drawings when designing something. It was terrible. In the end, I had to disagree. But whoeever wrote it was really twisted. He was probably the only person who could read it. [IMG:01]Take care of things you borrow That thing, I don't know if you could call it a book.. it was just a bunch of pages, maybe notes is the best way to put it. Probably he only borrow the pages he thought were necessary. ... What? You lost it? Hey hey, you have to return what you borrow... How about asking the Gatekeeper? [IMG:01]Lost books Hmm, if you're talking about that kind of thing, it wouldn't be stolen by mountain bandits, it's very likely that it was blown away by the wind and covered up sand. If they can't see that it has value at a glance, a mountain bandit wouldn't have any interest in it. If you go straight out from the gate and start looking you might find it.

                              • Discovery
                              • The Codex Leicester ★★ (Treasure) Exp:310 Fame:155
                                A book in Da Vinci's own handwriting. An extensive work, that inquires into astronomy and medicine, and also has drawings and sketches. However, all the letters are written in mirror image, making it difficult to read.

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