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      Earth shattering
      No Expiration
      London Adventurer's Guild
      This request if from the town Scholar. The condition is that this job must be completed by someone who know the birds east of India well and who has also investigated the giant otter. I don't know what is the relation between the two, but he said it could be a discovery that will turn the world upside-down. if it's you who does the work, I'm sure that this will be a meaningful investigation.
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                Large Weasel Map ★1 Giant Otter
                Black Bird Map ★1 Palm Cockatoo
                Peach coloured bird 3 5 1 Galah
                Looking for rare birds 4 6 1 Cockatiel
                Creature that does not fear man 5 7 1 Kea
                The bizarre 9 11 1 Lyrebird

                1. London London Archives - Talk to Scholar x4
                2. Jakarta - Talk to Rest House Master
                3. Jakarta - Talk to Merchant x2
                4. Hobart - Talk to Seafarer x2
                5. North Hobart - Use Observe and Ecological Research near Swamp in the west

                Duckbill Poison 1 1

                Earth shattering discovery?!
                I can't believe that there's someone who agreed to take this request! Now listen here, please keep this all a secret. If the information I received is really true, this would be an incredible, earth-shattering discovery.

                Child and egg
                I thought all wildlife was classified into two distinct groups. Either they give birth to their children and breast-feed them, or they lay eggs and provide them with other kinds of food. While it's not a complete certainty, this has been understood based on all the animal research reported up to now. For example, a cat gives birth to kittens, but a chicken lays eggs.

                Scholar's temperament
                But what if a creature had the external features of both types of animals? Would it give birth? Or would it lay eggs? To begin with, wouldn't you think that there's no such creature? But it's actually possible that such an animal exists! Allow me to tell you the details...

                Aware that it is impossible
                A Sailor who returned here from the Spice Islands was spreading this story at a tavern. They said they saw an animal in Jakarta which had the body of an otter and the beak of a bird. I know that groundless rumours are often spread at taverns, but I can't rest until someone verifies whether or not it's true. So please go to Jakarta and investigate!

                Enough to be made a spectacle of
                A cross between an otter and a bird? Now that you mention it, a Sailor who came here from the continent to the southeast was chatting with the man over there who works at the market. Something about putting it on show and making some money. Anyway it didn't seem like their conversation got anywhere.

                Its beak?!
                Oh, that bloke? He was a Sailor from Hobart. He said he saw the otters living in this area and was surprised that they didn't have a beak. I asked what he meant and it really seems that kind of animal exists. So I suggested that we put it on show and make some money out of it...

                Happy looking sailor
                But he said he didn't mention that for that reason. So I realised he wasn't thinking about making money. And when he was finished talking, he seemed quite satisfied. But what in the world was he after...

                Something interesting
                An otter with a beak? Oh, I've seen that on the outskirts of town. If I talk about that at just about any town, people doubt me at first. But when I explain things in details, their expressions change. They get that look of joy on their faces like when you learn something you didn't know before. I think moments like that are extremely interesting.

                Something with value
                Isn't that the reason why you keep travelling around, too? To find different towns and talk to people about it? And whoever hears your story will tell the next person... Just think, you're spreading the joy of knowing the unknown. As you travel the seas, there's nothing more valuable than that.

                Investigation with value
                The animal with an otter's body and the beak of a bird apparently lives outside of Hobart. Make sure you investigate it and deliver the joy of learning about a new discovery to the guild.

                  • Discovery
                  • Platypus ★★★★★★★ (Medium-sized creature) Exp:1209 Fame:465
                    An animal that has the body of an otter and a beak like a duck. It lays eggs and suckles its hatchlings. Males can inject their enemies with poison from large spurs on their hind legs.

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