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Depiction of an angel
No Expiration
London Adventurer's Guild
The research request is regarding a durer painting. apparently there's a rumour that an incredible painting was done without any special order. A noble says he wants to buy it. Find out what kind of painting it is at Lubeck. Ah, also check whether it can be purchased.



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Lubeck - Square - Talk to Maiden x2( Next to Port Official)

Lubeck - Square - Talk to Durer x 3

Lubeck - Square - Durer State ( Next to Bookshelf, close to door)
Adventure Exp:310
Adventure Card Exp:155
Adventure Exp:140
Adventure Fame:84
- Discovery
The Four Holy Men ★★ (Work of art) Exp:310 Fame:155
A painting by Durer of four apostles. You can almost hear the rustle of the clothing painted in vivid red and white. In the Christian religion, red is affection and white represents purity.
In the corner to the left of the door as you would be leaving.