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          The Country of Prester John
          No Expiration
          Venice Adventurer's Guild
          Surely you've heard of the legend of Prester John. He is said to have created his own nation during the Crusades, but no one has ever found concrete evidence. If you're interested in proving the legend, talk to the priest in Naples.
          •  Member
          • Language/Edit History

                                    1. Naples Church - Priest: Talk to
                                    2. Naples Archives - Scholar: Browse Books Theology require Italian
                                    3. Naples Church - Priest: Talk to
                                    4. Massawa - City Official: Talk to
                                    5. Northern Ethiopia - from Southwest Massawa , use survey and head to most west for new landing zone right after click the pointed boulder..near entrance of Ruins Interior: Ethiopia (already shown in map if you use survey), use recognition and observe

                                    Stone pillar of Prester John 2 4 1 The Aksum Stele
                                    The dream of Solomon 12 14 12 Solomon's Ring
                                    The place feelings reach 13 15 13 The Ark of the Covenant
                                    A bird with a practical use 4 6 1 Egyptian Vulture

                                    1. Africa theory
                                    The Country proved a motivation for the repeated dispatch of crusade forces and was also one reason for Prince Henry the Navigator exploring Africa. This idea of an enormous Christian country far away led to a dream of being able to stand together against the forces of Islam. Go to the Town library and read copies of letters from that time.

                                    2. Prester's John letter
                                    Just to cross our country, it will take 3 months. There are 72 states, and we have in our borders products taht are thought to be imaginary by folks such as yourselves. For instance, the country of the Amazon people. The territory is a vast expanse between India and the Tower of Babel, and there is a river of gold and jewels and a fountain of healing and youth.

                                    3. Isn't it Africa
                                    Did you read about it? Pretty amazing, isn't it. However, the location is vague and not exactly known. We know it is not in Arabia, so it is estimated that it miht be in Africa. I hear that there is an old country in Massawa, so you might be able to find some clue there.

                                      • Discovery
                                      • The Aksum Stelae 2 ★ (Religious architecture) Exp:190 Fame:60
                                        Remains from the once flourishing Aksumite Empire. There are more than 100 stone pillars with unique styles. From the stone room at the base of the largest one that has yet been found, it is possibly a grave for royalty.

                                        4. Massawa - talk to City Official

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