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Old tales of Malaga
No Expiration
Seville Adventurer's Guild
Find out about the history of Malaga from someone who lives there. We have a request form someone who wants to start up a new business there. It hasn't been that long since that port was reclaimed by Spain. So there are quite a lot of things we don't know yet. Please find out about at least one legend.

- Member
- Language/Edit History

1. Malaga - Engineer
2. Malaga - Farmer
3. Malaga - Young Boy
Pre-quest for
The new research of the scholar 


1. According to the technician from Malaga
Before the Reconquista, this city was ruled by an Islamic king. So when looking at buildings, it's easy to tell when they were made.

2. According to the farmer from Malaga
Long ago, most trade at this port was in saltwater fish, so the town's name came from a word meaning "saltwater".

3. According to the boy from Malaga
I just asked the old man.
Apparently rhis town is called Malaka

4. Report compiling information
Malaga was originally called Malaka, which means "saltwater". As the town had been ruled by an Islamic king before the Reconquista, the city still retains Islamic buildings from that time.
i have finished all prequests for the folklorist job except for this one?!?!! i have spanish on my aide, and there is nothing else i should do for it to show up!! wasted over 200 qmps and 40 sqmps!
please help!!!
Are you sure is the only quest you need to do? Is a quest very easy to find (especialy a low levels) ... and forget you did it early. And 40 SQMPS!?... seriously, did you tried to get the job quest? with west africa language you can find it in no time...
But, if still with troubles, ask some low level to share, use alt, or dont go with all adv skills... but that many qmp is exagerated (specially when SQMP dont give that low stars quests)
Got this Q in Sevilla. Should anybody else need it, leave ur IGN here. No fee required, but only 3 spots in fleet, so 1st 3 to ask are served :)
not 3 spots, just 2- sorry :)
How would one know if one has already done this quest?
There is no way to check non-discovery quests unless they are part of a bigger chain, so I suggest trying to get it from a friend/comp mate/alt who hasn't done it before and complete the quest again to be safe, if you're not entirely certain. Cheers.
(took me 5 or 6 QMPs to acquire)

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]09-21-2021
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How would one know if one has already done this quest?
If you post a comment and then hit refresh without leaving the page and coming back to it, a duplicate post accidentally appears. You may remove these duplicates by clicking the button in the lower-righthand corner of your post (only visible if you're logged in). Thanks in advance for doing so.
That's not completely correct, Guilder. One can go to another ivyro page, then come back to the original page without hitting refresh and a duplicate post may still appear. (Been at this since Net Marble days)
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