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Stolen goldwork statue
No Expiration
Genoa Adventurer's Guild
It seems that a sculpture important to Pisa has been stolen.I normally don't ask adventurer's such requests,but could you please gather information and retrieve it?First go to the town official in Pisa to get started.



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Pisa - Talk to City Official (2x)
Pisa Tavern - Talk to Seafarer
Naples Tavern - Talk to Jovanna
Naples Tavern - Talk to Merchant
Naples Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
Campagna - Defeat Rossi near the ruins
Ruins Interior: Campagna - Use
Observe and
Ah,your the one from adventure guild aren't you?The stolen item was salt shaker made by goldsmith and sculptor Cellini.The thief has demanded a ransom that I possibly cannot pay...The town would be disgraced if we paid to scum like him.We have to do something about it.
Can you ask around town to see if anyone suspicious has been sighted and to find out more about the stolen piece?Let's see...why not try the tavern?There are likely those with connections to unsavory elements there.The prestige of town is at stake,I'm counting on you.
A little while ago,actually,someone I hadn't seen before was asking around about the sculpture.He brought a drink for me,but I can't remember his name...He did look a bit on the sly side,and he said he was from...Napoli.Giovanna in the tavern in Napoli might know something more.
There has been an incident in Pisa,I heard.What,you think the culprit was someone from Napoli?I don't see how that could be...Ah!Hold on a moment...that merchant over there was approached by a suspicious fellow a while back!Maybe he was the one?
Yes,I do remember that.He couldn't tell me what the piece exactly was,but claimed to have obtained a gold work sculpture of unimaginable value and wanted me to buy it from him.I turned him down flat,not wanting any part of such a suspicious story.Barkeep,what was that fellow's name?
Sounds like Rossi.He certainly is a bit of a thug.He's always causing trouble in the Campagna Region.If you are going to try and see him there,be careful.He can be violent and its impossible to tell how he could react.You might consider taking some friends of your along with you.
I'm sorry!I'll return what I stole,please just let me go!Please!Come on!The robbery went smoothly,sure,but the piece was just too famous to move on the black market.No one wanted it!I hid it in the ruins,so just go and take it back!Maybe we'll meet again,eh?Bye-Bye now!
According to the information we got the thief to cough up,the stolen gold works statue has been hidden in the Campagna Region's ancient ruins.Let's head to the ruins and get back the stolen statue.
- Discovery
Saliera 1 ★★★★★★ (Work of art) Exp:1170 Fame:450
A gold salt cellar with impressive carvings. A work by the artist Benvenuto Cellini a representative artist of the Renaissance. It is called the Mona Lisa of sculpture because of its extremely lush and exquisite carving.