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      The Patchwork Gate
      No Expiration
      Marseille Adventurer's Guild
      The youth that commissioned the quest concerning the Coliseum has issued another request. This time it is to look for another ancient Roman architecture. Go to Rome and find him another nice bit of architecture.
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              [IMG:Quest_Chain] [IMG:21] [QUEST:99995156] [IMG:22] [QUEST:99997314] [IMG:23] [QUEST:99997440] [IMG:24] The Patchwork Gate [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [ZONE:90005998] Talk to History Scholar 2x (Near the coliseum) 2. [ZONE:90005998] Observe and Recognition near the History Scholar. [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Overall and the Top If that's what you're looking for, what about this magnificent piece. A variety of periods carved into a single structure! The engravings carved over the entire piece are from the time of Emperor Hadrian. At the top stand marble statues of Dacian prisoners from the time of Emperor Trajan. Furthermore... [IMG:01] 2. Top and Columns On the top portion is a depiction from the time of Marcus Aurelius showing foreigners brought before the Emperor. In the middle is a carving from the time of Emperor Constantine. From the difference in the engraving, we know that this structure has been drawn from many different periods. And there is still more to discover about it. [IMG:06] 3. Patching together the Ages This structure near the Coliseum is created from carvings from many different periods of Roman history. We must study each part carefully to see if there is anything else to recognize. Discovery Reward : 330 Adventure exp Card Reward : [DBLINK:70001513] 165 Adventure exp Reporting Reward : [DBLINK:01500232] 120 Adventure exp , 72 Adventure fame

                • Discovery
                • Arco Di Constantino ★★ (Historic site) Exp:330 Fame:161
                  An arch built to celebrate a triumphal return after battle in the time of the Roman Empire. It is said to commemorate Constantine I's victory over Maxentius.

                  Mei Hua
                  in Rome, talk to History Scholar x2 (near western Carriage)
                  in Rome, use Search and Recognition near History Scholar
                  Report quest

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