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The History of Humanity
No Expiration
Tunis Adventurer's Guild
At a number of places all over the world, remnants of the stone age are being discovered, right? Some archaeologists are wondering if perhaps similar items cannot be found on the continent north of the Caribbean. They are looking for voyagers willing to look into it for them. Ask the scholar in Seville for more information.



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- Language/Edit History
Another world
Prehistoric Sites Map
Stone Tools
Seville Archives - Talk to Scholar
Veracruz - Talk to Craftsman.
North America Southeast Coast - Northwest of map near "Flower - Red" use
Observe and

Humans Use Tools
Naturally if people lived in the area long ago,it would come as no surprise if some sort of tool were to be excavated there. There are numerous ruins in central and South America too,after-all... I think the continent north of Caribbean is worthy of investigation. Perhaps you can get your hands on some information in Veracruz.

Sharpened Stone
I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I once laid my eyes on some terribly sharp stones. While most of them were broken and chipped, the ones that weren't were sharp as knives. There is a place you can land near the peninsula to the north, so why not have a see for yourself?

The Stone Knife
It appears that relics from the Stone Age may be found on the northern continent as well. Head to the landing point near the peninsula.
- Discovery
Clovis Point ★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:490 Fame:220
A stone implement thought to have been used by the prehistoric Clovis civilization, it is characteristically fluted at the base. Such points were often used to hunt mammoth and bison.
This quest is called history of humanity.
It's called "The History of Humanity".