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      Lovely Flower of the Arena
      No Expiration
      Genoa Adventurer's Guild
      Have you heard the rumor of the beauty in men's clothing that shows up at the Roman arena? Apparently the Roman official feels there's a problem in the making and wants to find out who she is and ask her to stay away. I'd like you to search Rome. A lot of people say they've seen her, so if you ask at the Tavern, you can probably pick up some info.
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                      1. Genoa Tavern - Talk to Barkeep
                      2. Genoa - ...
                      3. Naples (Rome) - Talk to Wallenstein x 3
                      4. Naples (Rome) - Talk to Christina

                      *it's possible I mixed the order of the first 2 up and also may have skipped/missed a 3rd quest as the quest guide on Thoughts of a Great Land 4 6 1 Discourse on the Method differs from mine.

                      Request without a requester 1 (Genoa)
                      Lovely Flower of the Arena 1 (Genoa)
                      Child of the Lion 1 (Genoa)
                      What is Love? 1 (Genoa)
                      Thoughts of a Great Land 4 6 1 Discourse on the Method (Naples)
                      Land of Coronation 6 8 1 Gamla Uppsala (according to quest guide on Thoughts of a Great Land 4 6 1 Discourse on the Method unconfirmed by this editor)
                      Strategy for Mercenaries 6 8 6 The Exercise of Armes (according to quest guide on Thoughts of a Great Land 4 6 1 Discourse on the Method unconfirmed by this editor)

                      1. A Girl's Night Out
                      Yeah, that's all I heard about for a while. From her clothes, they say she comes from some rich family. They say she seemed to be looking for someone, but who could someone like her be looking for at a place like that. Come to think of it, that guy over there was at the Arena that day.

                      2. Witness Report 1
                      Shut up! Can't you see I'm busy... Oh, all right! You! You just remember I can take you any time I want! All right, I had just won and the crowd was cheering my victory. Some girl wearing men's clothing suddenly screams out "Wallenstein! Are you here?"

                      3. Witness Report 2
                      Don't get a big head! You took a pounding there and won by the skin of your teeth! A special victory. They were all laughing at you at the entrance! Still, I do remember that Wallenstein was there at the entrance, but when he heard the girl yell, he all of a sudden hid himself.

                      4. Witness Report 3
                      Do they always have to be so loud?! Well, yeah I was there then, too and I saw Wallenstein creep out of the entrance. He was running, that's for sure. Must have been one of his former... well you know. But... well, she looked a bit too young for that.

                      5. A First Hand Report
                      So you're here to gain some skills, too, are you? Well, it's the same for group battles as it is for one on one fights. You have to read your opponents... What? That's not it? The girl in men's clothes that yelled my name? Well I guess I can't keep it a secret. I'll tell you. You see, the truth is... I haven't a clue!

                      6. The Troubles of a Wanderer
                      No, I swear I'm not lying! But I can tell you that that kind of girl always brings trouble! That's why I ran! That's the only reason! The Holy Roman Empire has chosen me to do a job and there are a lot of people out there who resent me for it. It's stupid but true.

                      7. In all Likelihood
                      Like I said, I've never seen her before, but I looked into it just in case. Got to protect yourself you know. I think it's that girl Christina from the square. Go ask her yourself. But I'm not involved and I don't want to be involved. ...Christina... Now if it were that girl from Lisbon...

                      8. The Face Behind the Beauty
                      Welcome Voyager! How do you find our fair town? Hmm? You're looking for me? Wallenstein and I...Tch! I'll ask you not to say my name in the same breath as that pig! Why... Oh, I'm sorry, you caught me by suprise. Ha ha ha ha.

                      9. Meeting with Christina
                      The rumors from Rome appear to be talking about the girl Christina from the square. Seems to have something against Wallenstein but Wallenstein himself has no idea what. From the look of things, the chance of this becoming a problem is relatively small.

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