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      An approaching sound
      No Expiration
      Naples Adventurer's Guild
      There is a request from Gesualdo, the Musician in this town, to find something there aren't many clues, but do you want to take it on? The client said to speak to him directly about the details, so go and meet him.
      •  Member
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                    1. Naples Gesualdo Estate - Talk to Gesualdo the Musician
                    2. Naples - Talk to Barkeep
                    3. Alexandria - Talk to Rest House Master.
                    4. Alexandria - Talk to Julia 2x.
                    5. Alexandria Mansion - South of bank, use observe once inside, use search.

                    The Timbre of Conversation 4 6 1 Djembe

                    1. A searched for sound
                    To get right to the point, i will explain to you what i want you to search for. There is one thing missing from the musical composition i'm making. It's like... a sound that will express a powerful tumult. I want you to find an instrument that can make this tone.

                    2. Investigation of instruments
                    For an instrument? I haven't heard of an instrument like that around these parts. Even Gesualdo might not know anything. You might have to travel far to find it. It's a different culture around these parts. so how about gathering information?

                    3. Information gathering from another culture
                    Hrm. You're looking for an instrument with a powerful tone? The musical performance of military music or festivals may sound familiar, but it has strength. Now that you mention it, Julia likes music. Maybe she's knowledgeable about mulitary music?

                    4. Military music? Mehter, right? That's the traditional military music of Turkey. For that tone that you're talking about, the pipe is the closes. It's an instrument that's absolutely necessary at the festivals and dances that the mehtern play at. But some people find the sound annoying

                    5. With a volume such that it can almost not be performed indoors, the tone has unique murky, shrillnes to it. But it's a wonderful tone. Do you want to see it for yourself? In the back of a vacant room by the bank, i've seen instruments like that lying around.

                    6. Traditional instruments
                    The pipe that Julia told me about is big and has an intense sound. This might be exactly what the requester ordered. I'll go and check it out. I was told that there are instruments like that in the back of a vacant room by the bank. I hope that instrument will do...


                    Quest Mediation Permit

                      • Discovery
                      • Zurna ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:740 Fame:305
                        Traditional woodwind instrument of the Ottoman Empire. It emits a loud sound and is used in the military and during religious festivals to accompany dancing. It is not suitable for playing indoors.

                        in Naples, talk to Gesualdo the Musician (Gesualdo Estate)
                        in Naples, talk to Barkeep (Tavern)
                        in Alexandria, talk to Rest House Master (Rest Area)
                        in Alexandria, talk to Julia x2 (Rest Area)
                        in Alexandria, Mansion south of Bank, use Observe and Search
                        Report quest

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