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Fragment of exile
No Expiration
Venice Adventurer's Guild
A request has come from President Shylock in this town, for help investigating the system of ostracism.
Surely he's not thinking about doing something in reference to this system...? In any case ask him about it.



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Venice President Shylock Estate - Talk to President Shylock x2
Athens - Talk to Scholar x3
Athens - Talk to Adventurer (In the north gate of Athens)
West Athens - Observe and Search

1. An explanation of ostracism
Thank you for taking this request.
How familiar are you with Ostracism? To explain it simply. it's the system of expelling people from the country who are perceived as possibly becoming tyrants, accomplished by the vote of the people.

2. Request to investigate ostracism
What i want to ask of you is to have you investigate the voting system used to expel them. As far as Ostracism. I understand that they used clay fragments, but specifically what was used? I want you to find the actual fragments. There should be a Scholar in Athens who is knowledgeable about this system.

3. Details of ostracism
The system of Ostracism? It's famous around here. There was a Democrat who set forth this system named Kleisthenes and for people who received a set number of votes, they were expelled frm the country for 10 years. However, faults with this system soon arose.

4. Faults in the system
If it can be decided by a set number of votes, then if that can be attained, then anyone can be expelled. That's what happened to some talented politicians and leaders. The system came to be used as a political weapon. Themistocles, who fought in the Persian War, was one of those who was expelled.

5. Information on ostracism
Ahh, the potshards that were used were mostly fragments of stone or pottery. They used such things as the bottom of wine vessels and clam shells. The actual thing?... There might be some remnants on the outskirts of town. How about asking someone familiar with the outskirts?

6. A discovered fragment
Fragments of pottery? There's a lots of rubbish around there, soi don't really know. Now that you mention it, apparently a long time ago the people around here used fragments as notes. I've also seen fragments with writing on them. The location? Hmm, i think they were on the outskirts to the west.

7. In the shadows of exile
I collected detailed information about the system of Ostracism. All i have to do now is find the actual thing. According to the Adventurer, he saw potshards with writing on them on the western outskirts of Athens.
Quest Mediation Permit
- Discovery
Ostracon ★★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:660 Fame:275
A fragment of pottery with inscriptions of letters and symbols. In Greek, it is an ostracon. It was used in voting to banish dictators. There are those who believe that this system led to the decline of Athens.