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Symbols in the catacomb
No Expiration
Venice Adventurer's Guild
I hear you discovered catacombs beneath Syracuse. Impressive. There's a monk in Naples who heard the rumors and is looking for you. He says he made a similar discovery and needs your help for something. The guild master has more information.


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Syracuse Syracuse Church
Cave-like Grave Site Upper Floors
Symbols in the catacomb
Catacombs' Lithograph Middle Floors

Venice Adventurers' Guild Adventure GM x2
Venice Noble housewife (Square, near Charioteer)
Venice Archives Scholar
Venice Shipyard Master
Venice Church Priest x2
Naples Church Monk x2

The Old Faith
The monk that submitted the Quest visited the catacombs when he passed
through Syracuse. He had heard rumors that relics of the old faith could be
found there, so he went in. He found something, but he's not sure what it
is he actually found.

Four Mysterious Symbols
The monk found symbol-like drawings on the wall. And he wants to know their
meaning. They look like the symbols of a "Dove", "Peafowl", "Anchor", and
"Fish". After you've gathered what info you can, go and visit the monk over in Naples. I think you might be able to exchange some useful information.

The Meaning of "Dove"
A "dove"? Hmmm. Well, I once heard someone say that the dove was the messenger of God. A messenger of God was one who linked the Heavens and the people together. In other words, it represented the "Holy Spirit".

The Meaning of "Peafowl"
A "Peafowl"? Well I know that it used to be associated with Hera, the wife
of Zeus. Also, the spread of its tail was likened to the sun and came to
represent "immortality" and "rebirth". From ancient times, the peafowl has
been revered by many people.

The Meaning of "Anchor"
An "Anchor"? Are you kidding? I see one of those things everyday, but I
can't for the life of me think of why one would be drawn on the wall of a
cemetery. Still, if you look at it long enough, it starts to look kind of
like a cross, doesn't it? Maybe, some believers felt it would give them

You want to know what the sign of the fish you found in the catacombs might
mean? I see... Have you ever heard the word Ichthys before? If you know
Greek, then surely you know what it means...

The Meaning of "Fish"
Yes, Ichthys means "fish". At the same time, it is what you get when you
put together the first letters of the Greek phrase "Jesus Christ, God's son
Savior". Now do you understand? The picture of the fish in that cemetery
probably refers to a "Savior".

Object of Faith
"Holy Spirit" "Rebirth" "Hope" "Savior"... I believe I understand now.
In past days, Christians were persecuted for their beliefs. They met secretly
in places like those catacombs to pray together.
Perhaps these symbols were a way for them to give form to their faith.

The Prayers that Remain
Thanks to you, one more mystery of our forefathers has been brought to light.
I had heard rumors of your searches of the area, but your work is even more
impressive that I had anticipated. You have my gratitude. And please.
Continue to investigate the catacombs. I am sure that still other prayers
of our ancient predecessors can be found there.

Pursuing the Prayers of the Ancients
The results of your investigation impressed the monk who commissioned the
quest. You have been charged with further investigating the catacombs of
Syracuse. After you report to the Guild office, consider going deeper into
the catacombs for more of the Prayers of the Ancients.
Earned 32 Adventure Experience
Gained 10 Adventure Fame

* Unlocked
Syracuse Church Middle Floors (3-5) *
View All Comments

I tried like 60 QMPs & i still din't get it. :(

I am playing Venice, so I got Italy lang. Greek lang is on my aide.
I tried a few QMPs, no success, then I reported the Upper floor discovery (just to be sure), back to Venice and burnt another 12 QMPs then I got the quest.

I am playing Venice, so I got Italy lang. Greek lang is on my aide.
I tried a few QMPs, no success, then I reported the Upper floor discovery (just to be sure), back to Venice and burnt another 12 QMPs then I got the quest.

Dont forget you must have 4000 adv fame!!!!

33k adventure fame, Both languages, Discovery reported, over 60 Q.M.P.s blown. Still nothing.

i got this without using a QMP lucky XD

lol i used only one QMP
finally, i got this rare quest, at the first time i spend 80+ QMP with 10k adv fame, and now just 1 QMP and i got this quest, without italian and greek language, just 65k adv fame

used 1 special QMP, met all conditions, 4k adv fame, aide has italian, i have greek, handed in the discovery, like everyone said.. Awesome

I found that you can only use translation notes for Italian, not Greek. Then with all the requirements and a lot of qmps, you get the quest.

It's very random with the requirements. I just got it at the first visit without using any QMP

What a real pain in the ass to pull this quest. I finally got it on my 3rd visit to Venice and dropping 30~40 QMP's each time. I've been to Luxor & Giza middle's before I could visit Syracuse middle.

Yes , it was difficult for me to get , i visited the city 6 times and then used 26 qmp's.

I got it after 2 qmps, with both languages and 30k adv fame.
The only real use of that levels IMO is the "journal of burial goods" drop, (+2 archeo), there are not that many archeo boosters in the game when you start adventuring.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]10-09-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]10-27-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]11-11-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]01-19-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]01-19-2014
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Just got this quest after using 6 QMP. Had the following: Greek and Italian languages, 13k adventure exp, and reported discovery of upper floor.
You need Adept of Age (Mythical Era) to easily spawn this quest. Just have it
You don't need a chrono title to pull this quest, or any other quest.
It's a common misunderstanding that you need chrono titles to pull chrono quests. It's the other way around: when you complete chrono quests you gain chrono titles.
The possible requirements to pull quests may be: skills, fame, completed pre quests, and in rare cases to be in the right job (and even this last item may have been scrapped, it was there traditionally but there have been recent reports to the contrary). There also used to be a rumour that the right graduate titles (merch/adv/mari graduate) help you pull better quests. I'm not sure if that was ever true or a superstition. Other than that, luck and QMPs.
I know that Egw,but from my experience,this quest shows up after I get that title ,though
got it after 19 qmps new world record :D

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]04-10-2020
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Pulled this quest with 2 QMPs on one character who met the pre-requisites, and had an alt who did not meet the pre-reqs in my fleet who was able to get the quest by 'piggybacking' on my other character.

Pulled this quest with 2 QMPs on one character who met the pre-requisites, and had an alt who did not meet the pre-reqs in my fleet who was able to get the quest by 'piggybacking' on my other character.

Pulled this quest with 2 QMPs on one character who met the pre-requisites, and had an alt who did not meet the pre-reqs in my fleet who was able to get the quest by 'piggybacking' on my other character.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]07-04-2020
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I went to the Scholar before the Noble Housewife, so apparently that order does not matter.
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