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Wanted dodo
No Expiration
Venice Adventurer's Guild
The Dutch fleet that was out on voyage came back into port yesterday. Apparently the dodo you researched was one of the rare items they brought back from the trip. The town scholar heard this rumour and now he wants your help. Go talk to him directly if you're interested in the details.


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Quest Chain:
To the east of Madagasacar 


The Mauritius Islands
A bird like an over-fat goose 


Wanted dodo

Venice Venice Archives - Talk to Scholar
Amsterdam Amsterdam Tavern - Talk to Seafarer 2x
Amsterdam - Talk to Transporter (located next to the Square's Port Official)
Venice Venice Archives - Talk to Scholar 4x
Once your quest is complete and reported, your new pet(s) can be picked up from Pet Trainer NPCs, which are found in each of the 6 European capital cities.

The scholar's blood stirs
The naval fleet that recently returned brought with it dodos that live only in the Mauritian archipelago. I want you to negotiate transfer of a dodo to me for research. They are still in Amsterdam recuperating from their long voyage. Fare thee well.

As a spectacle
So you want to take a dodo? Yeah ok. We brought back so many that one or two won't be missed. You've seen a dodo then, strange creature it is. It's a bird, but it's feathers are small and it can't fly. It's such a grand exhibit that we brought many back with us.

For dodo research
Care for the dodos has been given to the courier in town. Speak to that person. Do you seek dodos for the purpose of trade? Oh, it is for scholarly research. That is why you want to take them back with you.

The dodo, to Venice
Have you handed over the dodos brought back by the fleet? For research by a scholar in Venice? With approval I assume. There is a boat bound for Venice. Send the birds on that, only say they were captured for exhibition, rather than research, as this will not cause a problem.

Unanticipated numbers
The dodos arrived by ship the other day. Just as in your report, for birds they are somewhat misshapen. But I never expected so many! How many dodos did they bring back?

Top foreign enemy
Oh, so the fleet brought the birds back as exhibits! That's why they caught so many. I wonder what would happen if another fleet set sail and tried to do the same. Perhaps in the near future humans will become their number one enemy.

The dodo's care
I, as a scholar, have an obligation to receive the dodos for observation and composition of a thesis. I may discover something favourable for this bird. No, no more than these. Would you like to raise one yourself?

From those stances
Many dodos were captured in the Mauritian archipelago and taken to Europe. I am worried that this will have an impact on the so-called island of the dodo. Received one of the dodos captured by the fleet to raise, at the suggestion of the scholar. Agree to this good opportunity and try to raise a dodo.


From those stances
So you'll take care of it, will you? Alright then, I hope you'll met me know if it dos something interesting. Very well, then, I'll send the dodo to the trainer. Please collect it when you are ready to care for it. I hope I can count on you.
Dodo (White) x1 (note, there are actually three possible color variations available for this pet -- reward color is randomly assigned when picking up the Pet Deed from the Trainer NPC)