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Precepts from old times
No Expiration
Alexandria Adventurer's Guild
This is request from a certain clergyman. They want you to put together teachings from old writings which have made it to current times. nothing like, "Wisdom of the Ancients", aye?
Anyway, I think you should go to investigate at the Library in Istanbul.


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Istanbul - Scholar
[IMG:01] Istanbul Archives
You're looking for writings that teach lessons from ancient books?
Perusing the wisdom of ancient wise men is a good thing. There are many things that we can learn from fables.
Please look on the Treasure shelves. I'm sure you'll find a good book.
[IMG:02] 1.001 Nights, Translated oral transmission
The man from the caravan let his desires out and pestered the monk to give him the treasure box. The monk put the ointment out and put in the man's eyes. "If you apply this ointment to your eyes, then you will know where the treasure is.". The man pestered him to apply it to his left eye. The man lost his eyesight and lost all of his fortune.
[IMG:02] Fihi Ma Fihi, Private translation
People do not notice the dark part of their souls, but when upon finding it in other people they scowl.
[IMG:02]Hades, Personal compilation
The prophet spoke. "A person is made to stand up from their seat, one should not try to take their own seat. One should take the chance to make more places to sit."
[IMG:06] The Istanbul Library
I found a number of useful lessons in a book from the Library in Istanbul.
That should be enough documentation.
Adventure Exp 20
Adventure Fame 10