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      Stolen epitaph
      No Expiration
      Alexandria Adventurer's Guild
      The request is from a Historian. The fragments of a certain relic were discovered, and a scholar of this town was asked to restore it. He wants you to check on the progress of the restoration.
      As long as you're going near the library, can I ask you to do it?
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                          [IMG19,Quest guide]
                          1. Alexandria - Scholar: Talk to x2
                          3. Alexandria - Rest House Master: Talk to
                          4. Cairo Southeast Cairo - Pointer Boulder (East): Interact 동쪽(뾰족바위)
                          5. Giza - Use Observe Search

                          [IMG16,Obtained info]
                          1. Dismayed scholar
                          Ahh! What is this!
                          I can't believe that it would be stolen on the way...
                          Ahh..., there were pirates? Did you have some king of business in the library?
                          ...what? You came to see an InSCRIPTion?.

                          2. Epitaph, missing
                          Yes! That's exactly the InSCRIPTion that is causing me trouble!
                          That inSCRIPTion was stolen! If that InSCRIPTion could be restored, we would have been able to tell what shape the canal was in ancient times.
                          ... I'm really sorry. I wonder if there isn't some kind of hint...

                          3. Theh ultimate information network
                          The Scholar had the InSCRIPTion that he was in the middle of restoring stolen?
                          ...Hmm, now that you mention it, I've heard of that. Recently the mountain bandits have been at it... The bandits apparently are using the pointy rock on the outskirts of town as a landmark and are communicating between themselves with it. How about them?

                          4. Values of a mountain bandit
                          I have notes. It was left for communication by the bandits, right?
                          "We were successfully able to carry it and something is written on it but we have no idea.
                          On top of that, the scratches are too terrible, so it can't be a treasure.
                          I'm going to throw it away."

                          5. Take back the epitaph
                          I found a letter that is probably from the bandits who made off with the InSCRIPTion that the Scholar was in the middle of restoring. It was apparently of no worth to the bandits and so the InSCRIPTion was thrown away...
                          It might be on the ground around here somewhere. I'll carefully observe.

                          Discovery Reward:
                          310 (155) Adventure Exp

                          Card Reward:
                          The Inscription of Merneptah , 155 (77) Adventure Exp

                          Report Quest Reward:
                          Quest Mediation Permit , 130 (65) Adventure Exp, 130 (65) Adventure Fame

                            • Discovery
                            • The Inscription of Merneptah ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:310 Fame:155
                              An epigraph left over from the time when Merneptah ruled as Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. It has been severely damaged and is difficult to read, but there is a section that reads, sheken canal and, eddi canal.

                              VeemonZ2 Thank you for a good description

                              Done Editing this guide!

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