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      The Beauty of its Form
      No Expiration
      Saint-Georges Adventurer's Guild
      Do you know Raema from the tavern? She has submitted a request. How about you accept it? It's about looking for some bird, and since you've done stuff like that in the past, you're the best for the job! Go and ask her for the details.
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                1. St. Georges - Talk to Raema
                2. Cape Town - Talk to Seafarer
                3. Arica South Coast - Ecological Research near the mammal bones in the centre of the map.

                Pre-Q needed
                Bird wearing a crown 1 3 1 Black Crowned Crane

                The Beauty of its Form Blue Crane
                Intelligent Dandy 5 7 1 Secretarybird

                1. Raema's interests
                So you're gonna look for the bird for me? What I'm looking for is a bluish-gray bird with a slender body and long tail feathers. I was told it looked a site just standing there. I heard it from a sailor down in Cape Town, so if you go there I'm sure you will find out more about it.

                2. An Exquisite Form
                A long tailed bird? It's just something I heard, so don't know alot about it, but they say there is a bird like that a little farther inland. There are other birds that look similar, but this one has long trailing tail feathers that make it really stand out.

                3. The Expected Beauty
                The bird Raema has interest in appears to be in the area of the Cape. According to the people we talked to, Raema will not be disappointing at it's beauty. We sail to the landing point east by south east of town and then head north after we disembark.

                  • Discovery
                  • Blue Crane ★★ (Bird) Exp:400 Fame:198
                    A type of crane found in South Africa. Its body is a bluish gray color of about 100cm in length. The feathers of the breast and tail are long, with the tail in particular often reaching the ground.

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