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      Diamond with Magical Properties
      No Expiration
      Calicut Adventurer's Guild
      I have a request here to investigate about a certain diamond. There is apparently a story behind this gem and the services of a skilled Adventurer are requested. I think you would be perfect for the job. What do you say? Will you accept? Speak to Mayor Vejle for details
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                    Temple dedicated to the sun god 1 3 1 Konark Sun Temple

                    1. Calicut Viceroy's Audience Chambers - speak with Mayor Baire 3x
                    2. Calicut - speak with Customer (resthouse)
                    3. Ceylon - buy Customer a drink
                    4. Ceylon - speak with Customer 2 more times
                    5. Calcutta - speak with Customer
                    6. Temple Interior: Konark - use Observe , Search

                    1. Legendary diamond
                    So, you've accepted. Very well. Here in India, there is a jewel known only as the Demon Diamond. As its name implied, it is said to enchant all those who see it. A number of battles have been fought for possession of the jewel.

                    2. A lost gemstone
                    As a result of all those battles, the current whereabouts of the jewel are now lost. It is known as India's supreme diamond. If possible, I would like to keep it secure here in this land.
                    That is why I want you to go and find it.

                    3. Sparks of Chaos
                    This jewel has the potential to cause conflict all around it. I know this is an unreasonable request, but I have faith that an adventurer of your skills can complete this task. I have heard there is a person that can be found in the city's bars who is privy to the dealings of the underworld. Go and find them to begin gathering information. Good luck.

                    4. Informant in the Ceylon tavern
                    The Demon Diamond? Oh yes, I've definitely heard of it, but as for where it might be, well... Oh, but there is a guy drinking in the Ceylon bar who you might be able to ask. I'm sure he can at least introduce you to someone who knows something. Just be sure to buy him a drink.

                    5. Calling the end of conflict
                    Oh ho. Well aren't you trying to get your hands on some terrible treasure. They say that war breaks out constantly around that stone, and that they've been going on for a long time.
                    Eventually, a man came, took the jewel and disappeared with it in order to put a stop to all the fighting.

                    6. Man who ended conflict
                    Now no one knows where either the jewel or the man who took it can be found. Those who continued to fight over the jewel were wasting their time.
                    In the end, since no one knew where the jewel was anymore, the fighting eventually stopped.

                    7. The man, to Calcutta
                    Now, as for where the diamond was taken...
                    Later on, the man who took it appeared in Calcutta, and was said to disappear into the far reached of the forest. They're all old rumours, so I don't know what to believe.
                    But, you couldn't go wrong with asking around in Calcutta for starters.

                    8. Location of the gemstones
                    Where is the Demon Diamond? You don't know how many times I've been asked that. There's a legend in this city that says it can be found in the ruins located outside of this city, but none of the people who followed up and went to those ruins have ever returned. If you're going to go there, you'd better be damn well prepared.

                    9.Diamond with magical properties
                    The legendary Demon Diamond of India is said to be hidden in the ruins located far beyond Calcutta's outskirts. However, it's also said that no one who has gone to those ruins to find the diamond has ever returned. Once I've sufficiently prepared myself, I'll head to the ruins myself.

                    Discovery Reward :
                    1190 Adventure exp

                    Card Reward :
                    Kohinur 595 Adventure exp

                    Quest Reporting Reward :
                    Quest Mediation Permit, 170 Adventure exp , 80 Adventure fame

                      • Discovery
                      • Kohinur ★★★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:1190 Fame:455
                        A large diamond whose name means Mountain of light in Persian. It is said to have been more than 800 carats in size. It was owned by generations of Indian kings, but after the change in the Mughal Empire to the Safaviyan Dynasty it was lost.

                        It would be really kind of someone to update this quest story,i speed clicked and forgot to read it before i reported :(.thank you NR

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