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Walking on Ash
No Expiration
Calicut Adventurer's Guild
I heard an interesting story from a seafarer who said they went to Taiwan. There's a unique festival over there where they walk on hot ash. We're trying to find someone who can look into it for us. You feel like going to Anping and investigating it for us?



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- Language/Edit History
1. [ZONE:90005921] - Talk to Nanban Trade Merchant x4
2. [ZONE:90005927] - Talk to Nanban Trade Merchant
3. [ZONE:90005927] - use [DBLINK:30000035] ,[DBLINK:30000020] near the Gatekeeper
[IMG:01] 1. Taiwan's Traditional Ceremony
That's not a festival, it's a traditional ritual. It's a ritual that's performed on the birthday of Lord Bao Sheng, who's considered the god of medicine. To be precise, it's held on a small island south of Anping. I used to have dealings with the people of that island long ago. I can tell you a bit about them.
[IMG:01] 2. Preparation for the ceremony
So about that ritual of theirs-- They start by making ash. They light fire to the wood and wait for it to burn. After they are done burning, they flatten the ash and divide it among five locations. Then someone spiritually purifies each spot. That's the end of the preparations.
[IMG:01] 3. The Actual Ceremony
After that, people carrying a mikoshi cross over the ashes. The God Tu Di Gong is said to ride in the portable shrine. More than 10 portable shrine cross over the ash 10 times. This causes the portable shrine's power to increase and for all defilement to be removed.. I guess that's about the gist of it. They're done with these rituals now, so it would be difficult to see it performed first hand...
[IMG:01] 4. Ceremony in Taipei
In the north, around Tamsui they perform the same ritual. The details are a bit different-- They walk on charcoals instead of ash. But the method and purpose are the same, and the portable shrine is similar. Ask the Nanban trade Merchant in Tamsui and he might be able to show you something.
[IMG:01] 5. Crossing Fire
Crossing Fire? That's what we call that ritual here. It's purification ritual passed down since ancient times in this area. Hmm? You want to see things related to the crossing fire? How about a portable shrine? I can show you an older one that is not in use anymore.
[IMG:06] 6. Ceremony's Portable Shrine
In the area of Taiwan, there is a ritual of people carrying portable shrines they cross over the heated ash to remove impurities. This is apparently called "Crossing fire".
You've been granted the chance to see a portable shrine used in the rituals of Tamsui. It's being stored near the gate that leads to the outskirts of town.
Discovery Reward :
1060 Adventure exp
Card Reward :
[DBLINK:70001907] 530 Adventure exp
Quest Reporting Reward :
[DBLINK:01500232] , 230 Adventure exp , 105 Adventure fame
- Discovery
Firewalking Mikoshi ★★★★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:1060 Fame:408
Mikoshi that has been handed down through Taiwan since ancient times. Used in purification rituals.
It's said that when walking across hot ash while carrying this mikoshi, all impurities are extracted, and all calamities will be prevented.