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      Invite to Search Azuchi Castle
      No Expiration
      Calicut Adventurer's Guild
      Yo! I see your investigation of Azuchi Castle appears to be going well. The Guild is awash of rumors of the rare discoveries you've made in the deeps of the castle. That's why I've come to you. What do you think about going even deeper? Talk to the Port Official at Goa if you're interested.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                          1. Goa Talk to Port Official x4
                          2. Edo Talk to Date Clan Servant (outside Daimyo's Mansion)
                          3. Edo Talk to Hattori Hanzo (SE from Market Keeper)
                          4. Edo Talk to Seafarer x2 (Tavern)
                          5. Edo Talk to Merchant (East from Market Keeper)

                          (Thanks to ReaD, Basqorow, and DreadPirateWesley for the earlier versions)

                          Reputation of Sakai 7 9 1 Missionary's Epistle
                          Remaining Glory of Hegemony 10 12 1 Azuchi Castle
                          Tortoiseshell Comb Upper floor run
                          Invite to Search Azuchi Castle

                          Another Lengthy Letter Arrives
                          Do you remember that Portuguese missionary? The one that asked you to investigate the conqueror of that island country in the Far East? The one whose letters are always so long. Well, he's sent us another long letter. Just read the main points if you'd like.

                          Additional Research on Azuchi Castle
                          To my Dearest Voyager, greetings. First let me offer my warmest thanks for...your exceptional report... When I heard...you had...discovered Azuchi Castle---I was overcome with---memories of the time I had spent---in that---country myself. I have taken pen in hand to...ask for...further investigations.

                          Truth Awaits Deep in the Castle
                          For example---fire. That castle was once---burned. I had thought it was---due to the cowardly actions---of the---son of the conqueror. But there are certain things about it that do not make sense. So my request is...that you proceed deeper into---the castle. Find the truth...in Edo.

                          Entering the Castle
                          That covers the import part of his missive. I applaud your fortitude. Since we're talking about the fortress, it would probably be best for you to go to Edo and ask around there. Maybe someone who knows the castle can tell you the way farther in. I wish you the best of luck.

                          Ignorant of Other Clans
                          You want to know the way to the inner parts of Azuchi Castle? I serve the Date family. How would I know? Probably only the ninjas have been that far in. Come to think of it, I do know someone who may have connection to the ninja clans here in town. His name was Hattori. Ask him, if you can find him.

                          Hattori Hanzo's Idea
                          You seek a way into the depths of the castle? I cannot give you that. But let me offer some advice. Listen to rumors, even those of this town. Listen to the words of those who live here. There is frequently a grain of truth in the strangest of rumors.

                          A Man who Likes Rumours
                          You want to enter Azuchi Castle? Are you mad? What for? To investigate? For treasure? Well, whatever your reason, no novice like yourself is gonna find anything. They say some bandits took advantage of the fighting and slipped in to loot the place.

                          The Man who Speculates
                          They say the castle burned because the samurai who had occupied it set it on fire when he was forced to pull out. But personally, I think it was the bandits. But nothing is said about Azuchi Town being burned down. You don't think that maybe the bandits had some connection to the castle, do you? And that's why only the Castle was targeted?

                          The Merchant's Unpleasant Memory
                          How to reach the lower levels of Azuchi Castle? Oh, what did you have to bring that up for. They forced me to buy their stolen goods and the authorities grilled me repeatedly about it. But the guy who brought the goods was bragging about being in the castle. What did he say? Well...oh all right.

                          Now to the Castle Depths
                          While following the rumors in Edo, I finally found something useful from the Merchant. With this, I am sure I can find the path deeper into the castle. But with so much gone and so many rumors going around, it is going to be impossible to know what really did happen. I will have to include that in my report to the Guild.

                              again a XXXX translation of quest name, in game quest is called "Invite to Search Azuchi Castel"

                              what does this quest do.. i mean does it open up other floors or is it just another quest in the chain?

                              It unlocks Azuchi middle.

                              It unlocks Azuchi middle.

                              Burned more than 40 QMPs and no quest.. helps?

                              Mei Hua
                              did u run azuchi upper once?if yes, try more

                              Li Yue
                              What fame is needed to pull the quest?

                              I only had 15k Adv fame when I got this quest and I didn't even need to use any QMPs. A comp member got the original quest and it's pre-quest too for me though.

                              quest in the middle of a chain quest mostly don't need fame, skill ranks or languages to pop up, they just shows up right after you finished the pre quests. I just don't know if they works in all chain quests :)

                              Completion gives 3 qmps

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