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History of Korean Incense
No Expiration
Calicut Adventurer's Guild
We've got a request from a noble who likes incense. They want a new incense burner, hopefully one from the region of Korea. I'm sure you'll further satisfy the needs of the requester by studying more about the background of incense burners.
Maybe you should talk with the scholar in Hanyang? I'm sure he could help.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1. [DBLINK:10000174][ZONE:90005904] - Talk to Scholar (2x)
2. [DBLINK:10000176][ZONE:90005917] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000020].
[IMG:01] Introduced with Buddhism
Originally, incense burners were Buddhist instruments. It would be reasonable to assume that an incense culture spread simultaneously with Buddhism in this region. There are many kinds of incense burners in this area.
[IMG:01] Various materials
Burners were made of clay, bronze, celadon... and there are records of incense burners made of gold during the Paekche and Silla period. Ah yes, there should be a number of incense burners stored at the mansion in Pohang. How about you go and see them?
[IMG:06] Incense of the Korean Region
It appears there are incense burners stored at the mansion in Pohang. Go and see them with your own eyes and add your findings to the report.
- Discovery
Bronze-gilt Incense Burner ★★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:620 Fame:255
Large incense burner discovered in what is believed to be the tomb of the Paekche king.
Adorned with dragon, bee, and phoenix decorations, it displays the fine quality of Paekche crafts.