- City
- Skills
- Discovery
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- Required
History of the Three Kingdoms of Korea
No Expiration
Calicut Adventurer's Guild
조선의 역사를 조사하는 역사학자로부터 들어온 의뢰일세. 그 지역의 역사를 알 수 있는 자료를 수집해 달라는군. 서둘러 한양으로 가서 학자의 이야기를 들어보게.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
모험 | 조선의 삼국역사 이야기 (3 탐색 3, 고고학 5, 조선어 1*) - 캘리컷
모험 | 역사와 신화 서적 (3 탐색 3, 고고학 5, 조선어 1) - 한양
[퀘스트] 모험 | 기묘한 탑의 역사 (4 탐색 3, 고고학 5, 조선어 1) - 자카르타
[퀘스트] 모험 | 어떤 무관의 증명 (4 탐색 4, 보물 감정 6, 조선어 1) - 한양
[퀘스트] 모험 | 화랑의 장군 (8 인식 5, 고고학 7, 조선어 1) - 한양
[지도]고문서 지도 (탐색 4, 고고학 4, 자물쇠 따기 4 - 포항 서쪽) - 한양
Hanyang 서고, 학자와 대화
Hanyang 서고, 고고학 장서 열람
Hanyang 서고, 탐색
- 학자 왼쪽 벽, 창문 밑
1. 영화와 멸망
이 조선 반도는 현재는 하나로 통일됐지만, 과거에는 몇 개의 나라가 흥망성쇠를 거듭해 왔어요. 이 지역의 역사는 약간 복잡한데요, 그것을 대표하는 삼국에 대해 기록한 역사서라면 제 장서에 있으니 봐도 좋습니다. 물론 사본이지만요.
2. 옛시대의 삼국
…이 역사서는, 일찍이 이 지역에서 번영했던 신라, 백제, 고구려에 대해 기록한 것이다. 세 나라 모두 많은 세력을 통합하여 번영을 누렸던 나라로서, 각국의 영웅을 중심으로 쓰여져 있다. 역사서이지만, 시대순으로 기록되어 있지는 않다…
결론 - 조선의 삼국 역사서
자료가 될만한 문헌을 발견했다. 천천히 내용을 읽어보자.
/Discovery Exp/ 340, /Card Exp/ 170,
/Exp After report/ 180, /Fame/ 170
의뢰 알선서 3
Quest Mediation Permit 3
- Discovery
Samguk Sagi ★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:340 Fame:170
Book that details the history of ancient Korea. Records the history of Silla, Paekche, and Goguryeo across 50 volumes.
It's said that it took a Confucian scholar of Goryeo two years to compile it.
Is it required to discover Hanyang first if I want to get this quest?
on the second thought - you need Korean language for this quest to pop. and Korean language you can learn only in Hanyang. So I take back my question :)

how much fame is needed to pull this

Pulled with 35k

will i get it if i don't have enough fame but someone else i n mi fleet does? , and if i don't have korean but someone in my fleet does?

will i get it if i don't have enough fame but someone else i n mi fleet does? - YES, as long as the person in ur fleet is the admiral and the one trying to pop the quest.
if i don't have korean but someone in my fleet does? YES, certain quests will show even w/o the required language. remember, its better to have the language for higher probability for the quest to pop.
Fleet admiral who is trying to pop the quest is the only player who should have all the requirements/fame needed for a quest the rest of the fleet can just wait and leech the quest.

thank you

quest 2 and 3 might be in the wrong order, make sure you do them both before trying to get the 4th >.>

Mei Hua
JP wiki says 15k adventure fame needed for this quest
300 Quest Mediation Permit, and no qvest
Very strange, I haven't done the first two quests in the chain, but I've done the third one. The order showed above must be incorrect.
That, or some of the initial quests listed in the chain may appear regardless of the stated order. Out of curiosity, gnang, how much adventure fame do you currently have? And did you try adding the Korean language skill before using QMPs, either through acquiring it, or through using Altaic translation notes to temporarily learn it?
) 52/59/42 114/190/75 k fame I think more than enough and no qvest
Other than having the Korean language skill through acquisition or Altaic notes as suggested above, the only other thing that could help is the Oxford skill
Hide Completed Quests -- you need r11 in Search, Recognition, or Ecological Research before the thesis for it appears, though. Even then, it's not guaranteed you'll get the quest you want to pop on the first (or 300th) try. It is helpful to remove quests you've already completed from the pool, though.
Please bring back quest walkthroughs, ivyro
almost all quest gone poof....hope admin can restore it...
20 kmp all 5 quests for the dungeon, took the korean language.
This is a bonus qvest, whether it was problem.tog days I did qvest bonus, not the next and immediately gave!
thank you all
Fingers, toes and eyes crossed re: I SERIOUSLY hope all the amassed quest information (walkthroughs) can be restored. The loss of 4 years worth of accumulated information would be an epic tragedy, and make it much harder for anyone, especially Adventurer types(most especially new players) to be able to effectively play the game.
IGN: CullumStraun
We can access the DB again, and a lot of it is still intact. I'm very confident that we can expect the quest walkthrough data to return. Still... might not be a bad idea to go and harvest some of the Google cached pages of quest chains, just to be safe.
if it was cleaned to reduce space, would be better to erase discovery section at the bottom rather than the steps and pre-quests, that full section it's almost useless together with the last image from discovery place. Anyway, good luck solving this.
It's possible to get the quest w/out prior discovery of Hanyang.
Do "historical river" first. spent months and many QMP's trying to find this before i went through the comments.
It seems this quest will not pop up unless you have the Korean language. I spent about 60 QMPs without getting this to show. Frustrated, I sailed to Alex to buy some
Altaic Languages Translation Note to use for this quest. It was first thing to pop up after using just 1 QMP when using the translation note. Also, contrary to what Mike said, I was able to pull it without doing
Historical River quest (you don't need to do that quest until later for unlocking Song dungeon).
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