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- Required
Gemstones of healing
No Expiration
Rio de Janeiro Adventurer's Guild
I would like to ask you to search for precious gems - will you accept?
As a matter of fact, an adventurer who stopped by this town recently brought with him a truly rare gem...
It was a pale pink and had a nuanced appearance, and can apparently only be found around Lima. So I'd like you to go to Lima to find out about this gem



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Lima - Talk to T'ika (Beside Barkeeper)
Lima - Talk to Famous Explorer
North Lima - Northwest corner of map near "Pointed Boulder use
Observe and
Quest Mediation Permit x1
Inca Rose x17
Adventure Experience: 700, Adventure Card: 350
Adventure Experience: 240, Adventure Fame: 126

Gemstones that make love come true
A light pink... gemstone? I have one... here... Here it is... my mother said it was a good luck charm for successful romance... I think... adventurers in town would know more about it... than me, though.

Memories of home
If you search the rocky place to the north of Lima you should be able to find that gemstone. Here in town they say it makes love comes true, and its colour does seem to suggest that effect, doesn't it? It reminds me of my girl, who I left back in my hometown.

Find the gentle pink stone
In Lima the light pink gemstone has, for many years, been said to make love come true. Apparently they can be found in the rocky place to the north of Lima. Go and check it out.
- Discovery
Star Flower ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:700 Fame:350
A pink gem found on the west coast of South America. It is called the Incan Rose. It has bright colours like a flower, and shines like the light of a star, driving away any Fatigue and wrapping you in a simple, warm, glow.