Lizard that lives in the sea
No Expiration
Santo Domingo Adventurer's Guild
Actually, there's been a request from a certain Biologist to look for a lizard which lives in the sea. Until now lack of good information has caused an impasse, but there's a sailor in this town who says he's seen a strange lizard.
Can you ask for the details, and do the investigation?


1. [DBLINK:10000077] - Talk to Seafarer (2x)
2. [ZONE:90000088] - Use [DBLINK:30000010] outside Landing Point, slightly west.
[IMG:22] Lizard that lives in the sea [DBLINK:70001248]
[IMG:01] Lizard seen by a seafarer
The lizard that I saw? Well, it wasn't anything special... Just that this lizard went into the ocean and was eating seaweed. Is it that unbelievable? I don't know much about animals, so everyone laughs at me and won't believe that what I saw was really a lizard.
[IMG:01] After coming out of the sea
They come out of the ocean and all those lizards gather in a rocky place and soak up the sun like they're sunbathing. Like they're drying out their bodies. I've seen it with my own eyes. Please go and find proof that what I saw was correct! I saw them on the coast of the biggest of the Galapagos Islands.
[IMG:06] Concerning a lizard that swims in the sea
The lizard that the sailors talks about swims in the ocean and feeds there. I'll go investigate to see how it swims and what it eats. It would be nice if this is the lizard that the Biologist is searching for. I'll look out from the ocean off the southern coast of the Galapagos Islands.