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      Ship Safeguarding Trees
      No Expiration
      Santo Domingo Adventurer's Guild
      We've got a request from the town artisan painter. Beyond the ocean to the east grows a plant with properties that can "protect ships". We'd like you to investigate it. Lately, there have been lots of seafarers coming and going through these parts, so the artisan wants to use this wood as material for a new ship he's planning to paint. Come to think of it, you hail from the east, right? Look into it.
      •  Member
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                    1. Santo Domingo - Talk to Painter (by the Craftsman)
                    2. London London Square Church Talk to Vicar
                    3. British Isles South Coast - Use Observe and Ecological Research a little NW of the Lone Cedar

                    Man who Hails from England
                    The other day, a fellow from over the eastern sea told me something intriguing. "There is a tree in my country with mystical properties that can safeguard ships by warding off storms at sea." I relish the thought of getting my hands on such a fine tree. In fact I would love to use the wood as materials for a ship. If I'm not mistaken, the man hailed from a country called England. How's about paying a visit to one of the big towns in England to gather some information about this tree I've been hearing about?

                    The Name is Crataegus Cuneata
                    The tree you are after is called Crataegus cuneata. Before Jesus Christ was crucified, he was forced to wear a crown of thorns. The crown was woven using branches from this tree. When the branches became stained by his blood they turned sacred. Come to think of it, the flowers on the plants should be blooming about right now. Why not go and have a look yourself?

                    Sacred Tree Flowers that Bloom in May
                    It seems the tree the client requested goes by the name Crataegus cuneata. According to the Vicar, you can find it by making landfall southwest of London. From there just head northwest. Since the flowers bloom in May, you should be able to catch them at the peak of their beauty. Be sure to note their appearance when you deliver your report.

                      • Discovery
                      • Mayflower ★★★ (Plant) Exp:440 Fame:200
                        A plant that is distributed wide and far from Europe to North Africa. It is also called crataegus. Its five-petaled flowers bloom in May.

                        This quest is called Ship Safeguarding Trees.

                        NW of the Lone Cedar in the NW of the map.

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