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      In the depths of the town
      No Expiration
      Lima Adventurer's Guild
      The request is frm a Gatemala city official. he wants to ask a Voyager who has investigated various ruins, so its perfect for you. He wants you to investigate something the Guatemala Barkeep saw... For the time being, speak to the client for the details.
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                      1. Guatemala - Talk to City Official
                      2. Guatemala - Talk to Barkeep x3
                      3. Copan River North Shore - near the Pointed Boulder (which is pretty far north) use Observe and Recognition

                      Pre-Quests necessary to spawn this quest(in any order):
                      A culture without water 5 7 1 Chichen Itza
                      Battle of The Stars 10 12 1 Palenque

                      Quests Unlocked:
                      Carved history 6 8 1 Relief of the Stairs
                      Imparted burial items 3 5 3 Mano
                      Slope in the square 7 9 1 Ancient Arena
                      Clues to the royal tomb 7 9 7 The Royal Necklace

                      1. It started with a river flood
                      The other day, the river by this town overflowed. Fortunately, there were no injuries in town, but the course of the river seems to have changed. In a hurry, we put together an investigative party to go and take a look, and they found something that we hadn't seen before. The Barkeep apparently actually saw it, so go and talk to him.

                      2. A rock with windows?
                      When i first saw it, i though it was just a boulder. But for a boulder in a rain forest, it seemed particularly well placed. And on the boulder, there was a window. On a normal boulder, there would be no window, right? So i thought that it just might be...

                      3. Investigation of a strange rock
                      You're used to investigating these things, right? I think there's something there. But of course i can't get away, and i'm an amateur at investigating. If there's nothing there, then that's fine. The Town Official probably thought the same thing and sent a request to the Guild.

                      4. Prepare well
                      I saw the strange boulder northeast of this town and then even further it. It's easy to get lost in tropical forests, so be careful. Ahh, you should eat something before you go. Of course it'll cost you.

                      5. To the interor
                      As a result of the overflowing of the river, a strange boulder was seen. Exactly what is it...? I'll head off to the outskirts of town immediately and then to the interior.

                      The Ruins of Copan

                      Quest Mediation Permit

                        • Discovery
                        • The Ruins of Copan ★★★★★★ (Historic site) Exp:1040 Fame:400
                          The ruins of a large Mayan city discovered when the river flooded after high rainfall. It has stone carvings and wall paintings that distinguish it from other Mayan ruins. One can appreciate a high level of skill in the carvings.

                          adventure fame 45573 needed

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