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A logical strategy for ruling
No Expiration
Lima Adventurer's Guild
Until a few hundred years ago the Inca Empire was a small kingdom. Through the strenght of the Emperor Pachacuti that it became the empire it is now. His strategy for ruling was very rational. There's a request from a European scholar to research that strategy. Start by asking around at the taverns.



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Lima - Talk to Barkeep
Lima - Talk to City Official x2
Machu Picchu - Talk to City Official
Northwest Copiapo - Copiapo outskirts, Observe and Search.
Pre-Quest Required:
Cultivated land of knowledge 


Terraced Fields
Do all roads lead to Rome? 


The Appian Way 

1. Incan road
In this country, there are roads that are maintained as Incan Roads. That's because all of the roads are linked to Cusco. Like all the roads leading to Rome. Because of the maintenance on the roads, information comes from all over the place to Cusco, and skills from Cusco were able to reach far away places. That's another achievement of Pachacuti.

2. Rule that is given
Pachacuti did not persecute or take the lands of subjugated peoples. On the contrary, they had posture of coexistence. They gave the subjugated peoples a culture integrated from many different peoples. That's what the high technology of the Incan Roads and terraced fields was. It was his strategy not to steal, but to offer.

3. Rule that is desired
The hostile surrounding peoples desired the bountiful lifestyle and the sparkling prosperity that the Incan people offered. The kings after Pachacuti also accepted autonomy, as well as the people, so it was difficult to lose this characteristic. You should ask the Official of the town of Colombo (Copiapo).

4. A combination of colours
This area came nder the rule of the Empire relatively early, and the characteristics of the Incan peoples and the locals is well integrated. If you look at the clothing of these people on the outskirts, even you might understand. The luxuriousness of the chieftain's clothes comes from the Emperor.

5. A logical strategy for ruling
The Incan Emperor Pachacuti's governing strategy was to unite the cultures of all of the regions he ruled, and sought autonomy for them and bestow a bountiful lifestyle. The surrounding people who also sought and desired this came under the Incan rule. This can be seen in the clothing of the people who live on the outskirts of Copiapo
Line of Chieftan's Clothes
Quest Mediation Permit
- Discovery
Line of Chieftan's Clothes ★★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:720 Fame:300
Traditional clothing used when a chief is elected in one of the numerous tribes of people that lived on the South American continent. The Incan empire claimed a vast area of land, but allowed tribes to rule themselves if they had an existing system of government. In this way, the tribes did not lose any of their traditions and uniqueness.