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      T'ika and the land iguana
      No Expiration
      Lima Adventurer's Guild
      Do you know much about Land Iguanas? If so, we'd like you to talk with Tika. She's usually quite absent-minded, but recently Tika has been very glum. The town people were worried and asked her what was wrong. Apparently she's distressed about her Iguana. Go and listen to what Tika has to say.
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                  Pre-Quest: Beneath a cactus.. 5 7 1 Land Iguana

                  1. Lima - Talk to Tika 2x
                  2. Lima - Talk to Barkeep
                  3. Lima - Talk to Naval Officer
                  4. Lima - Talk to Famous Explorer
                  5. Lima - Talk to Naval Officer 2x
                  6. Peru Sea Basin - Battle Patagonian Pirates fleet (four large galley ships with 394 HP, and up to 105 crew per ship)
                  Note: Unlike some quests, the target fleet will not ambush you at a certain location; you must locate and attack a visible Patagonian Pirates fleet. Using an Amulet of the Sun is advised if you're not a strong Maritimer.

                  Reward: Land Iguana (Brown) (one of four randomly chosen colors; can be obtained via female NPC "Trainer" located in all six European capital cities)

                  Relate to T'ika and the iguana
                  Welcome... Ah, the iguana story... An iguana came into the shop, and ate a meal with us... It stayed in the shop for a while...Hearing that iguanas like cactus fruit, we asked the owner for one... And gave it to the iguana...

                  Disgusted with T'ika and the iguana
                  Seeing the iguana eating the cactus fruit like its delicious, I... ate some... It was so delicious... I ate so much, there was none left. After a while, the iguana... was gone...

                  The landlord's testimony
                  Like that, Tica thinks it's her fault the iguana is gone. Well, it's an animal so I don't think there's any profound reason for it. However, after that she got depressed, and her heart isn't in her work. I wonder what's wrong...

                  Sailors' suspicions
                  A little while ago, there was a sailor who came to town frequently. He often came to the tavern... But in fact that sailor was a pirate. Now that I think about it, Tica started getting depressed around the time that the sailor stopped coming. Surely the sailor didn't steal the iguana, did he...?

                  Envying the iguana
                  The officers prediction might be right. Because that sailor was infatuated with Tica. Its a strange story, for a person to be jealous of an iguana. Besides, the iguana was very quiet, and can live without eating too much. It should be fine so there's no need to worry.

                  To the Patagonian pirates
                  Just before there was a message from the scouting team. The pirate who looked like a sailor who used to come to the tavern, has joined the Patagon pirates active south of here. He's the Captain of a large galley, a resident saw him with an iguana when they stopped by in Valparaiso...

                  Rescue mission
                  Ok, you teach that pirate a lesson in battle. While you're doing that I'll rescue the iguana. After that I'll send it to Europe and not return it to Tica. Because Tica would just get hurt if the same thing happened again. Tica will feel better if it's looked after by a voyager who knows animals.

                  Land iguana commotion
                  The reason for T'ika being depressed was the disappearance of the land iguana. A sailor who was jealous of the iguana apparently kidnapped it. Find the Patagon pirate large galley south of Valparaiso and rescue the iguana. Afterwards, an animal trainer in Europe will take care of it.

                  Patagonian Pirates

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