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      Lizard with a bright red face
      No Expiration
      Lima Adventurer's Guild
      This is a request from myself, I want you to find out about a lizard. When you discovered the land iguana, did you see a lizard with a red face? A boy in Panama told his friends that he saw a small lizard with a bright red face.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                1. Panama - Talk to Young Man (2x)
                2. Galapagos Island South Coast - Use Ecological Research in the northeastern corner, by the Stacked Boulders.

                Investigate - island found by accident 7 9 1 The Galapagos Islands
                Lizard that lives in the sea 4 6 Marine Iguana
                Beneath a cactus.. 5 7 1 Land Iguana
                Currently here.


                The phantom red-faced lizard 8 10 1 Pink Land Iguana

                The colour of a small lizard
                The first time I went to that island, it was to help out with my father's job. There were a bunch of tiny lizards around the piled up rocks. All of the lizards had a bright red face. Their bodies were coloured like the rocks, so their red faces really stood out.

                Difference in body and colour
                Another thing I noticed was that near the red-faced lizards, there were big lizards which were doing something that looked like pushups. Their physiques were totally different, and the face of the big lizards wasn't red, but they seemed to be friendly. You should go see for yourself. The red really stands out, so I think you'll easily find them.

                Relationship between two lizards
                The red-faced lizards and the big lizards said to be close by might be friends. I'll search for the easy to find red-faced lizards and investigate their personalities and traits. I'll go to the piled up rocks in the Galapagos Islands where he said he saw them.

                  • Discovery
                  • Lava Lizards ★★ (Small creature) Exp:280 Fame:140
                    A small lizard that can be often seen in the islands of the Galapagos archipelago. Its appearance is slightly different from island to island. The male is larger than the female, which has a characteristic red colouring around its throat.

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