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      Recalled Words
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      The Gatekeeper in Brunei has been asking for you to do some research on Koxinga. It seems that after looking at the results from that last study he remembered some more words. He would like you to investigate those too. The requester will give you the details himself. Best of luck.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                                Studying Safety Around Tamsui 5 7 1 Yingge Rock
                                Investigation of Koxinga 10 12 10 Tainan Map
                                (G.T.)Story suddenly emerged Zhuge Liang Crossbow
                                Another Study on Koxinga 8 10 8 Zheng Copper Stamp
                                A Father's Back 10 12 10 Yunnan Zhan Ma Dao

                                Unlock(for Green Dragon Crescent Blade quest)
                                Another Repeating Bow 11 13 11 Chinese Repeating Crossbow

                                Word from Zheng's Army
                                Actually, in the past, I saw the Zheng forces on an isolated island near Taiwan. I even talked to one of them. He told me this, 'We are not the only ones fighting.' I want to know what he meant. See if anyone knows anything in the area around Anping.

                                Han Chinese Farmers
                                I believe he was referring to the farmers in Taiwan. When the Netherlands occupied Taiwan, the Chinese people of the area rebelled. The Netherland forces were led by a man named Guo Huaiyi. Unfortunately, they were defeated and many were killed.

                                Reckless or No ?
                                It was a battle between farmers and soldiers. They didn't really have a chance. But I hear that the farmers plans had been found out by the Netherlands and so they didn't have a chance to finish their preparations. So I don't think it was a waste. Even if there was a vast difference between their weapon.

                                Early Ming Dynasty Weapon
                                One of the weapons the farmers used was a crossbow that could fire multiple shots. There was a place to store bolts on the top of the bow and as one was shot off, another dropped down to take its place. On the mainland, they had made many improvements to it, but here on the island, there was only an older type.

                                Proof of Fighting
                                One of those crossbows is buried northeast of this town near a small shack. It's fairly old and broken. If you look, you might even find others. That crossbow is proof that Chinese other than us fought at Taiwan. I believe that even Master Koxinga will be moved.

                                Affect of Intentions
                                Though perhaps not directly, the courage of the farmers was an aid to Master Koxinga. One of the weapons the farmers were said to have used was buried near a small shack northeast of Anping. If we sail northeast, we should be able to land somewhere nearby. I will find it and deliver it to the client.

                                  • Discovery
                                  • Zhuge Liang Crossbow ★★★★★★ (Historical legacy) Exp:1170 Fame:448
                                    Repeating bow invented in the Ming Dynasty.
                                    By storing 10 bows in the top part of the bow, rapid fire becomes possible. Thought to have been named after Zhuge Liang, the strategist of the Three Kingdoms era.

                                    Recalled Words----GAMA server name

                                    So that discovery don't give an equipable crossbow ? That's why I hate adventure

                                    The exp and fame is enough.
                                    you hawka from goldenhorde.. peace

                                    To pull this quest you need Arch r13 unlock r11 and seach r11 and would not hurt to have Adventure Graduate tile on.
                                    I had all to finally pull this quest.

                                    I am not sure adventure graduate had anything to do with it but the skills or it will not show waist-ed lots of time and qmp's and sqmps to pull this quest that were probably not necessary.

                                    This is a pre-req for a new quest, also from Jakarta:

                                    "Study of Suzuki"
                                    9-star difficulty
                                    Reward: 44,80 ducats, and "Zhuge bow" (Crossbow-type; Attack 55 Sniper +2 Armor Trade + 2 Endurance 50)


                                    1. Anping - Talk to "Jong Successful Subordinate"
                                    2. Anping - Talk to "Architects" x2

                                    Quest complete. I presume the crossbow is awarded on reporting the quest as completed; it should be the fourth item of the "Revolution of Traditional Technology" Memorial Album; the other three are:

                                    1. Light Crossbow - Sold in an Item Shop at Manchester for 15,000 ducats
                                    2. Gastraphetes Crossbow - Awarded in completing a merchant quest from London to Athens (*5-star difficulty, name: Deliver the Light Crossbow) which involves giving x1 Light Crossbow from Manchester to a Craftsman NPC
                                    3. Stirrup Crossbow - Made through production at the Factory of an Industrial Revolution city in Boom status (Manchester is permanently like this, but those who belong to nations that have IR Boom in their nation port have relaxed production requirements).

                                    Pardon the Google Translated data in quote marks. I haven't done all of these steps yet, but thought it'd be cool for people to know they exist just the same. I'll update this comment later, unless someone beats me to it (and you're welcome to use my format as a template).

                                    Source: gvdb.mydns.jp/db/module/QuestDB/action/QuestShow?id=5553

                                    so I've used over 850 QMPs (w/ and w/o Oxford skill active) and still didn't get it, despite having this card. normally, one EA server, this came in June update. I understand Netero did get it, so I really don't understand why it keeps resisiting me -.-

                                    Oops. You're right, it was listed as a June update; my apologies. I didn't think to check if it was out yet officially in this update because usually Memorial Albums don't get put in the game until after all their items are available.

                                    A friend of mine tried to get the quest as well, but failed after a "large" amount of QMPs... but you say Netero got it somehow? Strange. If this quest shows up for anyone else, please let us know. Otherwise, it might be safer to presume this quest isn't in the game yet (or if it is, has some unlisted requirements).

                                    June update's here, and the Zhuge Liang Crossbow weapon quest spawned from this particular chain should now be in. A reliable source informed me they've already done the quest, so... rare crossbow hunters, now's your time to shine. Cheers.

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