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Attention, Expectation and Envy
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
You found some precious relics in the cave shrine near the Leshan Giant Buddha, aye? Lots of people are watching you to see if you'll discover something else. And due to your popularity, you've got a request from the scholar in Hangzhou. You interested?

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[IMG:22] Attention, Expectation and Envy
Key Item Required to enter Lower Floor: [DBLINK:00518711]
(Obtained from Middle)
1.[ZONE:90005936] - Talk to Scholar 3x
2.[ZONE:90005954] - Talk to Gatekeeper 2x
3.[ZONE:90005954] - Talk to Dadudufu Keeper 2x
[IMG:01] 1. Existence of Historical Relics
I have always believed that there are numerous undiscovered historical relics lying hidden near the Leshan Giant Buddha. Temples from the Tang Period and numerous other relics have been left there. It would not be surprising to find oven older artifacts, as well.
[IMG:01] 2. Conjectures from the Evidence
That's when i remembered your report on the cave shrine near the Leshan Giant Buddha... My interest could not be quelled so i did some research and earned some curious information from the Gatekeeper in Chongqing. A certain voyager went out to those caves adn came back covered in mud. Don't you find that peculiar?
[IMG:01] 3. Scholar's Expectations
I spoke with the gatekeeper, who said it was likely due to lack of preparation. He doesn't know to much about that voyager. If you would kindly conduct another examination, i imagine you would make some new discovery. Would you kindly make a new investigation?
[IMG:01] 4. Mud-covered Voyager
Both his shoes and gloves were covered in mud. Strangely he also has dust on his head. There are few voyagers who head out to the cave shrine these days, but he's the only one who's come back looking like that... It didn't seem as if he was attacked. He said something peculiar as well...
[IMG:01] 5. Muttered Words
He muttered something like, "I couldn't believe there was a further path... I was wrong to proceed in the dark...". The voyager talked to the soldier in front of the castle about something, so he might be able to give you a clue. But he will not speak fully to those who can't understand him...
[IMG:01] 6. What the Voyager Found
He found a road leading deeper inti the cavern. They say there used to be many buildings around the Buddha. If that cavern is a part of that, then there is a good chance some valuable items have been left behind in there. Unfortunately, not being skilled at fighting, he himself didn't make it inside.
[IMG:01] 7. Attention and Admiration
If you would like to investigate the interior of the cave shrine, i'll let you know where the entrance is. I'm sure you'll make another wonderful discovery. I bet that voyager looked up to you. I'm sure he wouldn't mind me telling you. I am looking forward to your success as well.
[IMG:06] 8. Further Information on Relics
You were able to gain valuable information in your investigation of the Leshan Giant Buddha and cave shrines. There appears to be a path further into the cave shrine near the Leshan Giant Buddha. Considering the presence of buildings nearby, there is a chance that there are ancient relics still in the depths of the cave shrine. Quickly compile your findings and make your report.


100k adv fame to pull this quest

No.i can't pull him out with 100k adv fame.but my friend can pull him out with 150k adv fame

Trolls, liars and scammers. This quest only takes about 8k adv fame to pull.
Click the version above by "Baneado" for the actual quest info. This entry was defaced by a spambot at some point.

Noob lie steward he going to waste your qmp's.and the factor req 50k adv fame.

Learn to wiki. Hell, learn to play the damn game.
The quest for upper takes 47k, the quest for mid takes 8k or slightly less. It's the same way for most dungeons, the quest for mid is MUCH easier to get than the one for upper.
Let me guess, you're hoping to scam people selling the quest for mid for as much as upper? Well to hell with that, almost anyone can do mid themselves once they get upper unlocked. It only takes Chinese, no adv skills, and 8k adv fame.



I know that the mids is much easier to get, but i dont think upper only needs 47k fame, that is FSD, this is budha, :)

Pulled with 2-3 QMP`s and 37K Adv exp

i pulled at 49261 adv fame

Watch out for the Panda that trys 2 attack you on ur way in :o

i pulled quest 28,148 adventure fame
IGN ShogunKicksButt
This quest is actually called "Attention Expectation and Envy"
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