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Beautiful Fish of Korea
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
A seafarer in town saw a rare fish while staying in Hanyang and has made a request. This seafarer moves around a variety of regions, so when he says "rare" he might mean u can only find it around Hanyang. To get started, go talk to the requester for details.



- Member
- Language/Edit History
1.[DBLINK:10000131] - Talk to Seafarer
2.[DBLINK:10000174][ZONE:90005904] - Browse [DBLINK:30000027]
3.[ZONE:90000091] - Use [DBLINK:30000035] and [DBLINK:30000010] south of Hanyang near the Landing Point
[IMG:01] Escaped
I found it when I was fishing. It was slender with an orangish fin. I tried to catch one, but it hid behind a rock and I couldn't get it. It was traveling with others so I really thought I'd be able to get at least one easy enough. Maybe I should have asked the scholar there.
[IMG:02] Particulars of the fish
A beautifully colored river fish that travels in groups and lives in the shallows where there are lots of rocks and sand. It quickly hides behind rocks when startled. Another characteristic of it is that if one of a couple dies, the other also tends to die quickly. It is definitely a river fish, but it has also been seen in ocean waters.
[IMG:06] Beautiful fish
Apparently this beautiful fish that can live in both the sea and the river can be found near here. I'll see what I can find by sailing south along the coast.
- Discovery
Cyprinid Fish ★★★★ (Marine creature) Exp:690 Fame:285
Freshwater fish that inhabits the rivers of Korea.
It has the peculiar trait of dying soon after it's partner dies, as if following them into death.
Fish that love each other to die, sigh...