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      Flora that pay respect to the king
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      I heard from a Biologist that there's a plant that's terribly polite. Well, I don't know if a plant can be polite, but still... That plant can be seen in Pohang in East Asia. I'm pretty busy mediating these requests, so can you look into it in my place?
      •  Member
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                  1. Pohang - Talk to Cheol-Su (2x)

                  2. West Pohang - Use Observe and Ecological Research near the Stacked Boulders in the northwest

                  Raised branches
                  The pine tree? Let me see. They say that when the 7th King of Korea was visiting a temple, the hanging branch of the tree lifted up on its own and let him pass. Huh? What happened? The pine tree moved on its own? A little hard to believe, I can see.

                  Official rank
                  Well, I can't blame you. But, I don't believe it is a lie. Because the King went on to give a ministerial position to the tree. The King wouldn't do that to a regular tree. The pine can be found on the outskirts of town. Whether you believe the legend or not is up to you.

                  Flora that pay respect to the king
                  The pine tree in question is said to have lifted it's branch to remove it from the path of the King. I shall investigate it on the outskirts of town.

                    • Discovery
                    • Jeongipum Pine Tree ★★★ (Plant) Exp:520 Fame:233
                      Pine tree with widely-spread, large branches. The tree's life is said to be in the hundreds of years and it is much admired by the people.
                      It's said that when the 7th king of the Joseon Dynasty, Sejo, walked past one of these trees, the outstretched branches lifted and opened a path.

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