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      Investigation - sea to east of New Guinea
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      It seems you've finished your survey of New Guinea. Well then, can I ask you to now survey the sea to the east of there? Northeast of the eastern tip of New Guinea is apparently a sea region surrounded by hundreds of islands. You should first go to Lung(Run) to ask about that sea. I'm counting on you!
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                1. Run - Young Man,
                2. Run - Resident,
                3. Run - Market Keeper,
                4. Run - Merchant.
                5. East Caroline Sea Basin - (west side of island north of samarai) (around 6808,4846), use Observe, Use Recognition, go home a hero.

                Where the sun rises 6 8 1 The Island of New Guinea

                Rising seas 1 3 1 New Britain Island

                Beautiful sea of coral
                Yes, there is a sea surrounded by islands. It's a pretty calm place, so long as you avoid the potentially stormy monsoon season. At any other time, look down into the water and you'll see brilliantly coloured coral and sea turtles swimming happily. It's a particularly beautiful piece of ocean, there.

                Fishing using kites
                I've been to the region of the sea you are investigating. I saw the boats that natives there sail in, and they seemed to have a large number of kites flying from them. I thought they were kids playing, to start with, but then I saw fishing lines hanging from some of the kites. What a laid back place, truly.

                Exchange between islands
                I don't know all the details, but the islands in that area have apparently traded amongst themselves for a long time. Shell necklaces and armbands from each island are taken and left at each of the others. A sign of good faith between the islands, I presume. They have a word for this customer in their language, "kula."

                Mysterious voyages
                So once, when I visited Jakarta to trade, I heard that Europeans sailors have already visited the regin of the ocean to the east of the island of New Guinea. They weren't swept there, either, but apparently sailed there on purpose. I don't know why, it isn't somewhere even we normally sail to...

                Investigation of the region
                You received a request to investigate the sea to the east of the island of New Guinea. Spanish ships have already visited the region and apparently made a fortune, but the truth of this remains unclear. The sea in that region is meant to be incredibly beautiful, too. Go and investigate it.

                  • Discovery
                  • The Solomon Sea ★★ (Geography) Exp:320 Fame:160
                    The sea spreading out east of New Guinea. The area is surrounded by islands, and it is said that the people that live on the islands have interacted with each other since antiquity. In the rainy season, the weather can suddenly change to heavy rains and strong winds, but at other times, the sea is said to be quiet with coral reefs developed in the area.

                    Far Away, El Dorado isnt in the databank

                    The discovery that particular quest leads to is: Mendana's Logbook

                    It'll probably be added in time. Somebody remind me to delete this comment when it is. Cheers.

                    You need to wait until later, LeDodu

                    ok thanks for that!

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