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      Collecting Clues on the Island
      No Expiration
      Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
      I've got some interesting information from one of my contacts. They said that when they stopped on an island on their way to Taiwan they found some curious rocks and caves there. We're acquiring information on that island now. I hear Chien-Hung in Tamsui has some valuable information. Could you see what you can find?
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                    [IMG:Quest_Chain] unlock [IMG:31][QUEST:99996940] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. [ZONE:90005927] - speak with Chien-Hung 2. [ZONE:90005927] - speak with Tavern Keeper 3. [ZONE:90000091] - use [DBLINK:30000035] ,[DBLINK:30000016] at 5730,3945 [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] 1. Stone like Human Head There is a rock that looks like a profile of a human face on the surrounding islands. What's more, it's very beautiful during sunset... So that rock is called... hmm, what was its name again? [IMG:01] 2. Red-headed Rock That's what happens with second-hand information... The rock is sometimes called "Red-headed Rock". Because in the evening, it looks like a red head is coming out of the sea. Also, there is a cave with five-entrances on the island with that rock. The island is to the southeast from here. Probably would be best to aim for the east of Anping. [IMG:06] 3. Consistent Characteristic There is a cave with five entrances and a rock shaped like a human head on the island on the east of Anping. This matches the characteristics you heard from the guild so mention it in your report. Go and check the island yourself. Discovery Reward : 380 Adventure exp Card Reward : [DBLINK:70001967] 190 Adventure exp Quest Reporting Reward : [DBLINK:01500232] , 170 Adventure exp , 80 Adventure fame

                      • Discovery
                      • Orchid Island ★★ (Geography) Exp:380 Fame:190
                        An isolated island floating offshore to the southeast of Taiwan.
                        Points of interest are a large cave made from sea water erosion and rocks of strange shapes.

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