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The missing frill-necked Lizard
No Expiration
Jakarta Adventurer's Guild
A merchant here in town has lost his pet frill-necked lizard. Apparently he need the thing for his business so he's in a bit of a pickle. I know I can count on you for this kind of thing. Go speak to the merchant directly for the details.

- Member
- Language/Edit History

Jakarta - Talk to Merchant x3
Australia Northwest Coast - Click the ruins
Australia Northwest Coast - Talk to Merchant

One morning's bombardment
I noticed one morning that a valuable frill-necked lizard was missing. One that was ordered by a wealthy client. An able Adventure was employed to find it. Yet it has disappeared once more.

Undeniable reason
I searched the whole town to no avail. I am in quite a bind as it is difficult to explain this to the client. As you are familiar with the frill-necked lizard, will you not lend me assistance?

Replacement frill-necked lizard
I want you to catch a frill-necked lizard to replace it. According to the Adventurer, if you travel directly south from Dili, you reach a large continent. It is there that the lizard was caught. I entrast this task to you alone.

Frill-necked lizard's discovery
Something was running and then abruptly stopped right in front of me. On closer examination it was a lizard, looking directly at me. I approached it slowly to make sure it was the lizard in question. It stood up on two legs and unfolded a cape about its head. No mistaking it was a frill-necked lizard!

Frill-necked lizard's capture
Success in capturing a frill-necked lizard will put the client's mind at ease. Return to Jakarta to deliver the merchandise.
Thanks, but I think you have the wrong quest...