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      Monk who Travelled the South Sea
      No Expiration
      Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
      You've found Xuanzang's travel account a while ago, aye? We've got a follow-up request from that scholar in Calicut. There were other Chinese monks besides Xuanzang who travelled to India and returned with sutras and reliquaries. To start your investigation, you'll need to speak with the scholar in Hangzhou.
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                        Pre Quest [IMG:31][QUEST:99997159] [IMG:Quest_Guide] 1. Scholar - Hangzhou 2. Archives theology book - Hangzhou 3. Scholar - Hangzhou 4. City Official - Yuntaishan 5. Studious Youth - Yuntaishan 6. Seafarer (Buy him drink) - Yuntaishan 7. Young Man - Palembang 2 times 9. Observe and Search near Young Man - Palembang [IMG:Obtained_Info] [IMG:01] Successor to Xuanzang Monks other Xyanzang who went to India? Well I remember hearing about one other monk who travelled there alone, just like Xuanzang. There is a book on the bookshelf I compiled myself of the biographies of the high priests. You should read that first. [IMG:02] From the Biography of the High Priests There was a monk, who travelled to India like Xuanzang. His name was Yi Jing. While his peers fave up their desires to travel to India one after another, he crossed the sea alone. After crossing the sea and arriving in India, he travelled around the neighboring nations, and after 25 long years, finally returned to Luoyang. [IMG:01] Scholar's Advice "Yi Jing came back to Luoyang." I imagine there might be evidence of Yi Jing's achievements or other records somewhere around Luoyang. Since you'll be going by sea, why don't you stop off in Yuntaishan, which is in the seas near east of Luoyang? [IMG:01] Hounour given to Emperor A monk who crossed for across the seas to the south and learned the way of Buddhism in India? I've heard his name. The emperor himself went to greet him on his return and praised his achievements. I'm sure there was a book he wrote himself about his trip to India. Maybe some hardworking individual would know more about it? [IMG:01] Travel Journal Sent to Capital The travel account of the Buddhist monk Yi Jing? I've heard of it, but i haven't seen it for myself. Based on what I've heard, Yi Jing wrote the travel record while he was staying in the south seas and sent it here. I'm sure a seafarer would tell you about the south seas if you buy them a drink. [IMG:01] Written in City of the South Seas Thanks for yer generosity. What's that? You want to know about Yi Jing's travel journal? I heard it was written around the city Palembang to the south. A youngin there told me about it when I came into port once in that city [IMG:01] Kingdom where Yi Jing Stayed I heard about the monk Yi Jing from my grandfather. My grandfather heard about it from his dad, so it must be a really old story. This area used to be the center of the kingdom of Srivijaya. That explains why Yi Jing came here. [IMG:01] Remaining Manuscript There might have been some connection between my ancestors and Yi Jing. Actually, I have a copy of Yi Jing's travel journal. I can't read the writing, so I've really only used it as a conversation piece. But it looks like you're very interested. You should take a look while you are here. [IMG:06] Traces of Yi Jing in the South Seas In your investigation of a monk who similarly went to India like Xuanzang, you have learned about a manuscript of Yi Jing's travel account. It should be a valuable resource to learn about not just India, but the surroundings of Palembang. The owner of the manuscript is nearby. Check its contents and add your findings to your report.

                          • Discovery
                          • Account of Buddhism Sent from the South Seas ★★★★ (Religious legacy) Exp:650 Fame:270
                            Book written by the Buddhist monk, Yi Jing, telling of the precepts in India concerning food. Clothing styles and rules concerning food are explained in detail.

                            This prequest is wrong?
                            Or at least i was able to pick up this quest without doing the prequest.

                            dunno...i just took the info from jap wiki...it's may be unlock(not sure)...

                            since this 前提 has many meaning..

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