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The Oldest Wakashu
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
Do you know about "Waka"? They are poems passed down from ancient times in this country, made of 5 and 7 syllables. There are many books that collect these Waka, but a curious individual wants to read the oldest one. So they'd like you to search for it.



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1. Sakai -> Scholar x2
2. Sakai -> Yuki x2
3. Nagasaki -> Takatsugu
Nagasaki Mansion Unlock
Lofty Peak that Inspires Waka 


Mt. Fuji
Wakashu, Second only to Manyoshu 


Kokin Wakashu
The dignified blue flower 


Japanese Bellflower 

A myriad Tree of Words
The oldest existing collection of Japanese poems is the book of 10,000 words. It has over 4500 poems, with poems by writes from all walks of life, from the Emperor the the lowest of officials to local fishermen.

The songs of All People
In later poem collections, given the tstes of the nobility of the times, only peoms by Poets associated with the nobility were collected. So this oldest of collections has something from everyone. Some of the peoms are unpolished and lack style, but the barmaid looked like she reading the copy she had.

Arbitrary Chinese Characters
You heard from the scholar? Oh, my. You know, those characters are quite difficult to read. It is all older characters and writeen in an older style. I have had to ask the scholar numerous times what a particular character was. But when I know what it is, I can read it out loud and the beauty of it burns deep into my soul.

Inornate Words Reach the Heart
The scholar often said that because it was so old, the poems themselves lack a certain polish and style, but I like them. They are simple, bright and carefree. In their own way they portray joy and sorrow. Why don't you read them? The young one at the Tavern in Nagasaki has a copy.

The Never-changing Emotions
In particular, I like the poems done by the soldier. It seems that in the past, they hired a guard from a far off eastern country. He wrote poems about his home and his family. His poems touch me, since I too am not originally from here.

Waka Handed Down to All Ages
The oldest poem collection has numerous poems in it. Those who have read it say they enjoy those simple and uncomplicated poems. The copy Takatsugu had is currently at a mansion in Nagasaki. I will follow hi advice and find it and read it.
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Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:680 Fame:280
A collection of approximately 4500 waka poems. A variety of works are collected, regardless of the authors' statuses and locations.
Considered the oldest poem collection currently existing in Japan.
not bad...