- City
- Skills
- Discovery
- Location
- Rewards
- Required
Dance of Beauty
No Expiration
Hangzhou Adventurer's Guild
Reports on your discoveries reached the guild. They say you are knowledgeable about dancing and arts. The tavern girl here in town* wants to take up dancing. So she wants you to find out some things for her. Go ask her for detail.(Sakai*)



- Member
- Language/Edit History

sakai, talk to Yuki twice

Sakai scholar

read twice appraisal book

talk to the scholar again

Edo, talk to the Dante clan servant

search in the mansion on the left part of the map
- Discovery
Shirabyoshi Costume ★★★★ (Treasure) Exp:650 Fame:270
Male dance costume. Shirabyoshi refers to a type of dance that occurred at the end of the Heian period, or a dancer. Dancing while singing. Most of the dancers were women, but there were male dancers as well.